
Monday, April 11, 2011

Ahoy Season Is Approaching!

Last summer I invented a game while at Disney World noticing all the weirdos that come out in public. The game involves noticing oddities in the human race and pointing them out to gain points. This game continued during the week-long trip providing much entertainment for all the walking and line waiting. The game involved saying the word "Ahoy!" when one of the items on the list was noticed or something marvelous that could make the list was noticed.

Points were given for the following plus more if agreed upon by the group.

  1. Little people
  2. Mullets
  3. Rat tails
  4. Black mullet - double points
  5. Amputations
  6. Morbidly obese to the point they could be on a reality program
  7. Person on a scooter clearly only for their weight
  8. Thongs at the pool/waterpark
  9. Couples made of complete opposites
  10. Extremely fantastic weaves
  11. Hoop earrings with writing in them / over 3 inches in diameter
  12. Eye patches
  13. Asian tourist pose (you know the one)
  14. Wearing a bathing suit that is the wrong size
  15. Wearing a bikini when your bikini time is up
  16. Albinos
  17. Vitiligo

The game also was morphed to include noticing the good-looking and not so good-looking at the beach.

Any suggestions for more Ahoy categories?

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