
Saturday, April 30, 2011

If Your Ass Takes Up 2 Seats On The EL, You Should Pay 2 Tokens!

Today on the 'El' I sat next to this woman who was taking up 1.5 seats and I wanted to sit down so I sat in the 0.5 seat. Needless to say my ass hung off a bit from the seat into the aisle which was a little uncomfortable. I feel that if you are going to sit and nearly or fully take up 2 seats, you should pay twice. We should not be wasting time making seats larger on buses, trains or plains, but spending time helping peoples asses to fit to these normal size seats.

Some people think its unfair for people to pay for 2 seats on airplanes for 1 person but I don't; Those seats are an adequate size from my few experiences on a plane and nobody wants to be stuck next to someone who invades their personal space, its nothing personal.

Overweight and Obesity rates are crazy high in America and who doesn't need to loose a good 10lbs, I do so I can't act superior. They need to start making fast food taste bad because who doesn't love a quick meal from a fast food place or a Wawa.

Childhood Obesity sucks too and its cool that MOboma, aka Michelle Oboma, has a campaign against childhood fat rolls. Kid activites are so fun too so parents should have fun and play with their kids in the playground and go swimming, roller blading, biking, jump on trampolines, etc. I want to do all of those things as a childless person. Parents with vertically challenged and horizontally plentiful children should go to MObomas website for childhood obesity.

I think the one thing that makes healthier food better is hot sauce, I love hot sauce. If something is bland put some hot sauce on it and it makes life better in my opinion. Drop the soda and drink more water and the sodium from the hot sauce isn't so bad and Frank's hot sauce has 0 calories. There is even a hot sauce diet. Hot sauce is awesome with fish like tilapia, obviously taste good with chicken or turkey, and is awesome with chicken in a salad. I like hot sauce so much I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.

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