
Friday, April 22, 2011

For All You Fantasy Book Lovers Out There: Book Launch Party Tonight in Amherst, MA

Coming soon....this weekend in fact....a delightful interview with author Robert V. S. Redick! And just so you know, those of you who live in my neighborhood, i.e. the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts—there is a book launch party for Robert TONIGHT to celebrate the third book in his fantasy book series. The book is called The River of Shadows and details for the book launch party are here:

Book Launch Party
to celebrate the publication (at long last) of
Book III of The Chathrand Voyage Quartet

HAPPY HOUR, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 5:30-7:30 PM, at Amherst Books
8 Main St, Amherst MA

Drinks (booze and other) • Indian Snacks • Cake • Books for Sale

I hope to see some of my Mira's List peeps there! And keep your eyes peeled this weekend for an interview with Robert Redick.


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