
Friday, April 29, 2011

Inexcusable Behavior: Flushing The Toilet While Someone Is In The Shower

Something that happens occasionally in my house is extremes in water temperature while showering. This occurs when someone selfishly flushes the downstairs toilet while I am in the shower (thanks mom). What motivated someone to act out in this way I do not know, pure ignorance or a calculated assault.  Why does this phenomenon occur? Well, when the toilet flushes it takes cold water to fill the tank again and this takes cold water away from water in the shower; hot water is not taken away and therefore scolds you like a nun in a 1970's catholic school. This problem is solved if your shower has a pressure valve that will adjust and also lower the amount of hot water to the shower to compensate while flushing. While it is a deplorable act to flush a toilet while someone is showering, I have secretly fantasized about doing it like every mischievous child in television history. When I am mad I prefer to not let it show as much as others and go the passive aggressive route; therefore, when the opportunity presents itself it would be nice to flush the toilet on someone showering. Ahh, one day!

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