
Monday, April 4, 2011

I Had A Dream: And a Really Weird One

So I don't dream often at all but usually when I do they are epic and this one was and included a celebrity guest appearance. So the dream started off with me arriving home to find out that there was a private concert being held in my house because I had entered some sort of contest to win a private concert; nobody in my family informed me that I had won and the concert was today so needless to say when I woke up I was a little heated about that. So I discover in the dream that some guy is singing in my dining room. I don't think it was someone famous just a nameless dream singer who I think was British. He had curly dirty-blonde hair and wore black jeans and some sort of plaid shirt, I believe it was yellow. Then it turns out that the main singer at my house concert was Adele!!!! Nice right! Even when I dream I have good taste in music! So she sings Someone Like You and some other song that I can't remember. After singing there is just some music playing on the radio and Adele is on her British cell phone. The British cell phone in my dream apparently looks like a weird secret government type of satellite phone. It was like an old school black/gray nokia bar phone with 2 antennas: one red antenna and one yellow. Both Adele and the mysterious male singer had this cell phone so I just assume he was British too. So while Adele was on her British cell phone the song changed on the radio to Teach Me How To Dougie. This is where it gets interesting! So Adele gets off her cellphone and people are Dougie-ing. Then all of a sudden me and Adele are Dougie-ing together and then Dougie grinding together in a PG-13 kinda way nothing too inappropriate. We are overcome with Dougie and lose our balance and fall onto a couch. We laugh about the situation and then the dream fades out. I wish this dream would have continued so I could find out what was gonna happen between me and Adele. She's funny as hell and we're the same age so it could happen haha! I guess this is what happens when you eat a meatball hoagie from Wawa at 330am and listen to an Adele song before going to bed.


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