
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Planning To Get Pregnant

Planning To Get Pregnant
Planning before you get pregnant is very important. Simply put, the healthier you are as you are planning your pregnancy, the more likely you are to have a healthy baby. We hope you'll start planning for pregnancy as soon as you begin to have thoughts about having a baby.

A baby's organs begin to form in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before you may know that you are pregnant. As this is a critical phase of development, the more planning you do, the greater the pay off can be in terms of the health of your baby. Unfortunately, there are no foolproof methods for having a healthy baby, but there are many things you can do that may improve your chances of a good outcome. This leaflet offers advice if you are planning to become pregnant, or have just become pregnant. The aim is to reduce the risk of harm to the baby, and to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. There is a summary checklist at the end of the leaflet.deally, start taking folic acid tablets before becoming pregnant. The common advice is to start from the time you plan to become pregnant. If the pregnancy is unplanned then start taking folic acid tablets as soon as you know that you are pregnant. However, a recent study looked at the effect of taking folic acid for a year prior to becoming pregnant. This study looked at the effect folic acid had on reducing preterm labour and delivery of the baby (that is, of having a 'prem' baby). The study found a significant decrease in the rate of preterm delivery for women who took folic acid for one year prior to becoming pregnant. So, you may wish to consider taking folic acid tablets well before you plan to become pregnant.

Because of the substantial benefits of folic acid, some countries routinely fortify staple foods such as wheat, cornflour, or rice with folic acid. Currently there is debate as to whether the UK should follow suit and fortify certain common foods with folic acid.For a woman, pregnancy is one of the most exciting and important journey’s she can ever go through in life.  When a woman is considering whether or not to become pregnant, there should be several things taken into account prior to trying.  Changes might need to be made to the diet, lifestyle and finances before, during and after the birth, which will directly influence the lives of the mother and father of an infant.

Planning to get pregnant is something that should be addressed as early as possible; it takes a long time and cannot be rushed.  The main goal of pregnancy planning is to decide upon the best possible timeframe for a couple to conceive a child.  The mother needs to be in tip-top health, medical care will be needed for the woman and child and the parents need to create the best environment possible when welcoming a baby into their life.

Another common factor when considering the best time to become pregnant should be the health of the mother.  A woman should observe proper nutrition, regularly exercise, monitor vitamin intake and consult with a physician about any preexisting health conditions before becoming pregnant.  With approximately 40% of all pregnancies being unplanned in the United States, women that preplan certain aspects prior to conception are ensuring their child the best start in life and can have a much happier, healthier pregnancy.

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