
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beautiful Skin Tips

Beautiful Skin Tips
It is the most important and really very very effective beauty tip for ever young skin,that is at any kind of critical situation you must ignore your anger and never loose your temper.This thing is not only best way to be friendly but this will give you more regarding to your best skin and make your personality very lovely and pretty.You may think this is not a beauty tip,but it is very effective and most important thing for your youth and beauty which give you more.For the fresher skin you need to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water to keep your skin regulate.Beautiful skin is the goal of so many women. If you gave women, particularly older women, 3 wishes the chances are that one of them would be beautiful skin through into old age?

Why is beautiful skin so important to women? Because beauty is important to women, and the skin is what shows their beauty off to the world. Great looking clear skin is the basis of looking good.

Or to put it another way, you can’t look great with skin that looks like a battlefield.1. Start early.

So many women don’t get around to taking care of their skin until well into their 40s or even 50s. If you really want to take the best care of your skin you need to start as early as you can, preferably while your skin is still looking great.

Why would you start on a good skin care routine if your skin still looks great? Because the path to beautiful skin is set then.

Now of course that’s not to say that if you’re in your 40s, say, it’s too late. But if you’re in your 20s and you start on a great skin care routine you’re way better placed to achieving great looking skin. Early is better.

2. Stay healthy.

Because great looking skin is healthy skin, and healthy skin reflects a healthy body. If you glow on the inside you’ll glow on the outside.

It may sound simplistic to say that great health produces great skin, but so many women don’t think about it. So all the things you need to do to stay healthy generally will be good for your skin.

For example a good diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables is also great for your skin. It’s high in anti oxidants which are good for your skin, and it produces overall health, including skin health. And a healthy heart helps good blood circulation, and good blood circulation is also good for your skin.

Lots of exercise is important for good health, and good skin health.

The bottom line is this. You can’t have great looking glowing healthy skin if you’re overweight and live on a diet of pizzas and burgers, never exercise and a walk to the fridge gets you puffing. Take care of yourself and your body will take care of your skin.

3. Avoid the 2 worst things you can do to your skin.

What are the 2 worst things you can do for your skin? Smoking and sunburn. Both are just terrible for skin health, and you’re unlikely to have great looking beautiful skin if you smoke 40 a day and get burned every weekend. You must avoid these.Always go out in sun with an SPF of 15 or less on your skin.
- Keep your face clean.
- Drink plenty of water. A minimum of 8 glasses is recommended. Drink at least 3 glasses of hot water with the juice of 1 lime and 1 teaspoon of honey, a day.
- Sleep for at least 8 hours. Your body needs rest in order to repair general wear and tear of tissue and grow well.
- Get into a routine that accommodates regular meal times.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. AVOID oily and fried foods, starchy food and sweets.
- Take vitamin B5 and Zinc supplements as they help to build up the skin’s resistance to acne and pimples.
- Daily exercise is an absolute must.
- Keep stress levels down with meditation and yoga.
- Don’t squeeze the pimples.
- DO NOT use cheap make-up. Better not to use any at all, at least till the acne abates.
- Protect your skin from the sun. Use a good sunscreen lotion.


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