
Monday, November 28, 2011

Beauty Tips For Lips

Beauty Tips For Lips
It is necessary for the beauty care of your lips to keep flimsy.

Mostly in the chill or dry weather, people complain regarding dry/rough lips. Less moisture in the air makes your lips dehydrated. So for the beauty care you need to keep them moist. You can take this beauty care with any standard cold cream or natural cream for the smooth lips. Prefer to apply cream especially when you go to bed at night for the beauty care.

 Lipstick can also do the trick for the beauty care on the chapped or faded lips. Other then rough & tough lips little wrinkles around the mouth also not look nice.Think of your lips as a sponge. "When exposed to moisture, they absorb water and plump up. When dehydrated, they dry out and shrink," explains Bruce Bart, M.D., a dermatologist at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis. And, because they're always exposed, they're prone to dehydration, particularly during the cold, windy winter months. The skin on the lips is also unlike skin anywhere else on the body: It's thinner (allowing the blood vessels to be visible, making the lips look red) and has no oil glands (oil acts as a barrier for skin, helping to protect it from the elements). The result can be red, rough (and sometimes painful), chapped lips that couldn't hold lipstick color if you spray-painted it on.# If your lips' color has turned in to black, then stop the use of lipsticks. Combine white butter with saffron and apply it on your lips daily. By this way, you will notice difference in your lips’ color. Your lips will be pink again as before. Apply lipsticks only when you have to go for any party or function. To maintain the pink color of your lips, crush fresh red rose petals and add a little ghee to make a paste. Apply this paste on your lips and remain it for about an hour. After that, wash it with water; you will get soft and beautiful lips by applying this paste. Daily night massage your lips with a mixture of honey and almond oil to prevent the drying of your lips. To retain natural moisture and softness of lips, spray little powder on your hankie, put it on your lips and apply little pressure with hand. By doing this, the natural moisture of your lips will be maintained. If you have a problem of dry lips, then mix olive oil and vaseline and apply it on lips three to four times in a day. This remedy will help you to get rid of dry and chapped lips that make you more miserable. Take two teaspoon of coco butter and half teaspoon honey wax. In a vessel, heat wax and add coco butter. Let this mixture to become cool. After then, apply it on lips with the help of lip brush. Beauty of the lips will be preserved by this way.

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