
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beautiful Faces Tips

Beautiful Faces Tips
It is a blessing in disguise that the face beauty tips are readily available in your own Urdu Language. Here you can find the ways and means to improve your complexion and face beauty by following the natural rules. There are time tested and hundreds of years old tips which seldom fail to help you in gaining the beauty you dream for. Face beauty tips in Urdu are just for you.Our skin faces a constant barrage of chemicals everyday from pollution to harsh chemically formulated products that strip the skin of its natural balance. These simple Ayurvedic home remedies help you to attain a clear, healthy and glowing skin complexion. Ayurveda mentions many simple natural ways to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. Using these natural ways, one can stay beautiful for a longer period without having to suffer the side effects of the chemicals.Below are some simple 'secrets' to achieve a naturally beautiful skin.Try out some of these simple natural remedies for smooth, clear and radiant complexion.

    * • Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water and lime juice. Wash the face and apply it overnight. Rinse off in the morning. This clears the complexion and keeps it healthy.

    * • Take 50 ml. of raw (not boiled) milk and mix a pinch of salt and two teaspoonful of lime juice in it. Use it as a cleansing lotion. It helps to clean the deep pores of skin.

    * • Mix equal quantities of lime juice, glycerin and rose water. This lotion if applied to the face regularly at bed time is very useful in removing pimples, blackheads and other stains of the skin. It makes the skin soft, and can also be applied to other parts of the body (hands, feet etc.)

    * • Take 50 ml. of tomato juice and mix with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing.Face scrubs are very good as they remove dead cells and give a glow to the dead and lifeless looking complexion. Take care not to use a scrub when you have angry looking pimples on the face. To make it easier use the scrub under the category of your skin type. Use only what is suitable to your skin. Though the homemade packs are very effective and will not cause any harm.

Make a paste of 2 table spoons of milk cream, 1½ table spoons of wheat flour  and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.

Apply tomato juice on your face or at least apply it at that particular site of pimples and leave it for 15 minutes. After that rinse your face thoroughly with water.
Change your diet by removing greasy foods, soda pop, and sweets.

Regular exercise is very effective to reduce your stress level which will indirectly help to improve your skin condition. First of all, if your skin is not clean it can never be clear. Wash your face in the morning when you wake up, and again before bedtime. Use an antibacterial facial soap - there are many good products on the market these days, priced to suit any income.

Do not wash your face more than two times every day. Over-cleansing can dry out your skin, which can cause your pores to produce more oil.

Use your fingertips or a washcloth. Don't scrub your skin, as this also can cause your pores to over-produce oil.

Always use an SPF facial moisturizer after you wash your face. Even if your skin is very oily, you should use a moisturizer, as it helps achieve balance and even out skin tone. BUT, make sure your moisturizer is oil-free, or "non-comedogenic" - which means it won't clog your pores. Make sure any make-up you use is non-comedogenic, also.

Avoid getting hair products like hairspray or gel on your skin. Try not to touch your skin with your hands during the day, because oil and germs from your fingers can cause pimples.

And the final, most important tip for clear skin is DO NOT squeeze pimples! Yes, it's tempting, but squeezing a pimple will only make it get worse and take longer to clear. It bruises the skin, causes scarring, and can spread bacteria, causing more pimples.


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