
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Best Health Tips

Best Health Tips
Everyone should take proper care of their health. We should never forget that whatever we eat directly affects our health.

If not taken care of, one will surely become a victim of obesity; so why not rather incorporate some health tips into your daily routine.

They will definitely be pretty much effective, and you would love to follow them throughout your life.

First of all, change your cooking oil, and switch to a lighter one like olive or canola oil.

• Drink freshly squeezed lemon with honey in luke-warm water every morning.

• Eat a fibrous breakfast every day, like cornflakes etc.

• Eat at-least three vegetables and three fruits daily.

• Increase the intake of water and fluids also.

• Limit your salt consumption to 6 gm per day, because it hampers the calcium absorption in our body.

Do aerobic exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.

• Include food rich in Vitamin D into your diet, for example, egg yolk.

• Avoid carbonated drinks; they are known to steal away the calcium from our bones.

Prefer home-cooked meals rather than eating out and opt for tomato gravy base. Whenever, eating pasta, go for whole-wheat pasta, which provides loads of fibre.

• Eat slowly; it helps you feel full without over-eating. Do not forget it takes 20 minutes for our brain to register satiety, feeling of fullness.Well there are some tips that i want to share here because i am health conscious and every one should be health conscious so i would like to say that
1. Eating balance diet is good for health
2. Walk is very necessary
3. Maximum use of fruits and vegetables
4. Maximum use of juices
5. Breakfast necessary and although you leave lunch that's alright but don't leave breakfast and dinner.
6. Avoid smoking
7. Do some exercises daily like running, jogging and swimming

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