
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Funny Donkey Pictures

Funny Donkey Pictures
The depiction of donkey and elephant as the symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties in America goes back as far as 180 years. It all started with Andrew Jackson who was running for President in 1828. His opponents labeled him a "jackass", as a twist of his last name "Jackson", and also for his populist ideas and his slogan "Let the people rule". Jackson enjoyed this association and made jackass his symbol in the presidential campaign, which he successfully won. Later, cartoonist Thomas Nast, based on Jackson's story, popularized the donkey as the unofficial symbol of the Democratic Party. It was an instant hit with the American public, and it did not take long before the donkey became the party's official symbol. Republican's elephant was also the creation of Thomas Nast. In one of his cartoons he depicted a donkey in lion's skin scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of the animals was an elephant labeled "The Republican Vote". The cartoon got so popular that the elephant instantly became the Republican's unofficial symbol (and later the official one). Photoshop Democratic US politicians as donkeys, and Republican US politicians as elephants. Here's a good example The photoshopping environment is up to you - photos, paintings, posters, books, etc. Your animals have to be recognizable as politicians you photoshopped.

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