
Monday, March 14, 2011

Artist Fellowships & Residencies in Hungary, Maryland, Italy and Beyond!

Greetings, oh neglected ones!
Yes, I’ve been running around different towns reading from my book, The Memory Palace, and also doing a lot of radio shows. Therefore, I have neglected thee. I thought I better post something soon or you might forget I exist. But before I tell you about some great new opportunities—for all you local peeps, I want you to know that I’ll be reading at the Pelham Library, 2 South Valley Road in Pelham, MA THIS Thursday, March 17th at 7 pm. This is probably my last local reading until the fall, except for reading in Boston in early April, just so you know. And for those of you living in the Chicago area, please come to my one and only Chicago reading on Thursday, March 24th at the Book Cellar at 4736 North Lincoln Ave at 7 pm. It would really be great to see some Mira’s List fans there!
Okay, on to more important things:

(ALL) The Platte Cove Artist-in-Residence programoffers one-week residencies each summer in the Catskill Mountains open to all creative types "who have an affinity for the natural world." Artists live and work in the Platte Clove cabin on 208 acres of wilderness. The cabin has electricity, wood stove, telephone, but no running water. Residents must provide their own linens and food. $30 application fee, no fees charged or stipend offered for the residency. Application and information available at Applications due April 1, 2011. The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Department of Education, PO Box 504, 43355 Route 28, Arkville, NY 12406 (845) 586-2611.

(PRINTMAKERS) A Call for EntryWheat Farm Press Print Exchange 1:2: Wheat Farm Press has established a quarterly print exchange, and curated publication of prints. The goal of this exchange is to promote the development of the finest artistic ideas and talents in contemporary printmaking. By participating in the Wheat Farm Press Print Exchange 1:2, you have the opportunity to present your fellow printmakers with your best possible artistic efforts, and in return receive ten prints that are indicative of a fellow printmaker’s dedication, care, thought process, and skill. We are looking for artists at any stage in their artistic lives to dedicate time to the development of an edition of eleven prints. We are looking for people who are passionately dedicated to printmaking, who don’t have access to a press, who have regular access, who print by hand, those who collage, make precise editions, make variable editions, those who can afford the time to work on prints every day, and those who sneak in time whenever possible to develop imagery. For more info, go to:

(WRITERS) Christopher Isherwood Foundation Fiction Fellowships: Grants awarded to writers who have published at least one book of fiction to enable writers to set aside time
for writing.
Deadline October 1, 2011. For more info, go to:

(PRINTMAKERS) The Venice Printmaking Studio—is currently accepting applicants for Summer 2011. We encourage the exploration of traditional as well as experimental printmaking practices and ideas.

Located on the glass-blowing island of Murano, the Venice Printmaking Studio is tucked away from the more trafficked areas of the city and offers a 2000 sq. ft. workspace overlooking the lagoon. Summer 2011 is an ideal time to visit Venice as it coincides with the 54th Biennale di Venezia.

To apply: Please send 12 images, a CV and project proposal to Applications must be received at least 3 months prior to the anticipated residency date. For additional details visit:

(ALL) International Artists in Residencies, Budapest 2011The Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.® (HMC), 501(c)(3), Dallas, TX/Budapest, Hungary based non-profit organization. The HMC dedicated to inspiring, connecting, exhibiting, and promoting artists. The HMC invites interested visual artists, writers, performers to submit application for its residency program in Budapest, Hungary. The residencies offer participants to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Accepted applicants are expected to speak and understand English. Exhibition, seminar/artist talk, field trip and gallery tour are included in the cost. Deadline: April 10, 2011

(WRITERS) The Writer’s Center, Emerging Writer Fellowships—Fellowships are given biannually to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers to give readings at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Fellows within a 250-mile radius of the center will receive a $250 honorarium, and all others will receive $500. Poets with up to three books and prose writers with up to two books published are eligible. For fellowships in fall 2011, submit up to 10 pages of poetry or 16 pages of prose, a curriculum vitae, and a letter of interest by April 15. There is no entry fee. Call, e-mail, or visit the Web site for complete guidelines. The Writer’s Center, Emerging Writer Fellowships, 4508 Walsh Street, Bethesda, MD 20815. (301) 654-8664. Zachary Fernebok, Administrative Assistant.

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