
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Was Just Thinking:

I wish I invented popcorn ceiling! How rich is that guy!

Shout out to Dennis!

One night I was with a friend, Dennis, and we can be idiots together like its no big deal. So we were watching Tracy Morgan's comedy special which was awesome and comment worthy on its own and it got quiet; so I randomly looked up at the ceiling and said "man, I wish I invented popcorn ceiling, how rich is that guy!" So naturally I researched popcorn ceiling, and by research I mean Wikipedia. Popcorn Ceiling was apparently used to cover faults, so basically people were doing shotty work and covering it up America style. One of the best definitions of popcorn ceiling is obviously from the genius' at Urban Dictionary: 

"The cheap ceiling texture commonly used in the 70s and 80s. Builders would spray 'popcorn' on the ceilings of homes and justify it to sellers by feeding them a line of bull about better sound insulation or better appearance. The real reason for the 'popcorn' it turns out is because its cheap and if a builder does have to pay some guy to texture and paint every ceiling, it can save them some serious money. The 'popcorn' unfortunately does nothing for sound insulation (though there might still be those today who claim it does) and it's pretty damn ugly, especially as it collects dirt over time.
Omg! That sauce just got all up in the popcorn ceiling! That shit is never coming off!"

Some other notable google searches provided these gems:

I personally think popcorn ceiling was invented by the Devil himself and should be outlawed. I have strong feelings about few things but some include popcorn ceiling, the proper way to put the toilet paper on the roll (cough kate), and proper hanger alignment and direction on clothes hung in the closet.

moral of the story: take that shit down!

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