
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Women Health Center

Women Health Center
Health Center (CWHC) is a collective that includes health care providers, counselors, outreach health educators, and doctors who work together to provide health education and affordable, respectful, and accessible gynecological and mental health care to women and trans people in the Chicago area. In 1975, a group of women healthcare providers and activists formed the health center for women in the community. For some women, breast health tops the list of women's health concerns. What's the best way to do a breast self-exam? What should you do if you find a breast lump? What's the best way to treat breast pain?

For others, women's health concerns include cosmetic surgery. And as you get older, your women's health concerns are likely to change. Could belly fat lead to health problems? Are Kegel exercises really necessary? Get answers to these and other women's health question

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