
Friday, May 27, 2011

Hangover Part II Review

I saw the Hangover Part II Wednesday at midnight and I loved it! If your a pretentious snob you won't like the movie because it has the same exact plot line as the original movie but it's the writing and cast that make the movie still very much enjoyable.

First of all, good morning. Second, going to that midnight screening was quite an experience; there were 10's of people there - actually it was a lot but saying hundreds of people would be excessive - and the security and ID checks made me feel more secure than the security at work. ID's were checked while entering the theater and handing in tickets and once again when entering the designated theater number at the doors. I graduated college, I think I can handle the 'F' word if it gets dropped in a movie as I could when I was 11 just sayin. Tangent - I've always hated rating systems and discrimination at the movie theaters because I was a mature child and there is no good reason I couldn't have seen an R rated movie when I was younger nor should I have been carded as a senior in college going to see Shutter Island or playing the lottery at Seven Eleven because yea that has happened to me. Seeing the movie the opening night with a large crowd is always exciting to me and makes me feel a little superior to people who haven't seen it yet not in a snobby way but it makes me feel special - its the little things in life.

Zack Galifianakis is by far the funniest person in this movie in my opinion and provides several hilarious moments and says some random ass stuff which I love. This movie is full of some fun surprises within the copy-cat plot line and worth seeing. I heard a radio review of this movie earlier today and the guy said it wasn't worth seeing because it was exactly like the first one and said that people who like it are dumb; well pretty much everyone who doesn't live in a cave knows that the movie follows the same premise of the original so its kind of dumb to judge the movie on that basis and not the other content of the film so take that butt hole!

I say go see it if you haven't already!

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