
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fat Asses Become Fatter: A Tale Of A Vicious Cycle

People who are insomniacs as I am know about the urge to get midnight snacks - mine are usually at 2am - and will sometimes indulge in some fast food or a trip to a convenience store like Wawa for a quick snack. I have found in my travels that many establishments only seem to have one size in stock in the wee hours of the night/morning. Remarkably the large cups survived the mad rush of day customers who apparently have a great affinity to the small and medium sized options to such an extent that they are no longer available for use in the evenings. After a certain point, approximately 11pm most places, the manager of that location has to stop production and announce "we are running low on small and medium cups and boxes, larges only til morning!" The employees become so flustered by the lack of adequate stock that they become belligerent on the speaker "WE ONLY HAVE LARGE AFTER 11!" Whoa Nelly, I just said hello! So a trip to get food and be a fat ass in the middle of the night leads to more fat-assery since large is the only option. This is a vicious cycle. I'm not saying my dilemma is similar to the cycle of poverty and welfare but the similarities are uncanny.

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