
Friday, December 2, 2011

Women Health Problems

Women Health Problems
There are a variety of womens health problems that require specifc attention and specific treatment and action. Luckily, many of these problems, though they can be distressing and painful to experience, can be dealt with both simply and effectively. Some womens health problems will require a bit more effort than others, but virtually all can be eliminated if proper natural health steps are taken to eliminate the causes.Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer in Pakistan and ranked first in the Pakistani women. There is a significant increase in the number of cases in Pakistan has since the 1970s, partly due to the modern lifestyles in the Upper class.
The main cause of breast cancer is still unknown but different factors can become the cause. The risk factors that can trigger the disease are sex, age, childbearing, hormones, a high-fat diet, alcohol intake, obesity, and environmental factors such as tobacco use and radiation. Every time you ovulate you form an ovarian cyst, a fluid-filled sac with an egg in it. After the egg is released the cyst usually goes away, but occasionally it persists--or continues to grow--and may cause lower abdominal pain. If you suspect you have a persistent cyst, get a pelvic exam or ultrasound to be sure. Then try any or all of these treatments.

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