
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

He Aint Heavy,,,,,,He's My Brother!!

Hey Dolly's

Had to do this quick blog post and share this cute little poem my brother just wrote and emailed to me! It brought a tear to my eye, everything he has said is totally true we have not always seen eye to eye but the older we get the more understanding we are and supportive :)

I will blog tomorrow about my amazing day today its been tantastic!!!


Ode To My Sister..

To me you are an angel in disguise.
brightening up my grey skies.
Always giving and helping through
...Good times and bad.
You are the best friend I've ever had.
If I had one wish it would surely be
To give you as much as you've given to me.
Though I've put our relationship through some cloudy days,
You've been my sunshine in so many ways.
Through trials and tests, right by me
You stood,
And gave me A hand whenever you could.
Thank you so much my sister, my friend
My gratitude for you has no end


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