
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Posh Spice

Story Time!
When I was in second grade, a group of my friends and I wanted to be the Spice Girls.
It made total sense, we would just take their places!
Everyone was designated a specific Spice, and for whatever reason- I was Posh.

So, when during Berit's clothing swap,
I was trying desperately to find something that would fit me
(being the only person over a size 9 is problematic)
when I found this dress among my friend Natalie's things.
Because of how tiny she is, it probably made her look like Queen Elizabeth.
But on me it was SKIN TIGHT. I actually couldn't separate my thighs.
However, I took it because it reminded me of Posh Spice,
and that little second grader in me was gleeful.
Sooooo I got to college, and I lost a little more weight, and
the dress fits!
are some pictures of my favorite item I got at the clothing swap.

the 5 inch stilettos were a must
the typical Posh pose.
surprisingly difficult to hold
(much to the amusement of my roommate)

so there

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