
Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The creation of this blog is the result of a recent realisation about the nature of my personality.

After an incident involving an ex-boyfriend in which I drink-threw, physically assaulted AND posted a ficticious facebook headline regarding his STD status, it came to my attention that I have a reputation for being a bit of a pyscho....

Go Figure?

Furthermore, whilst visiting my hometown of Auckland, some friends from Sydney found themselves at a houseparty playing a game of Guess Who?. The game involves two players with a board each, and each board is covered in tabs with animated pictures of different people on every tab. (Thats me with the moustache)

Each player chooses a person on one of the tabs, and is a process of elimination through the asking of questions to discover which person the other player "has". For example ( bear with me): "Does your guy have red hair?" if the answer is no, the all the flaps with pictures of people with red hair are flicked down, eventually leading the player to the discovery of the identity of the person your competitor "has".

As you can see from the above pic, this particular game of Guess Who? had been customized with the faces of Auckland scenesters, one of which, of course, was me.

One of the players "had" me. The game-deciding question was:

"Is your guy a complete pyscho who tried to ruin such-and-suches life?"
"Is your guy Shaun Thomas McGill?"
"Yes...godammit that was toooo easssy!"

Naturally, when this story got back to me, I was MORTIFIED. And then I momentarily paused. Reflected. Hell, I even took a second away from stalking an ex-friend through facebook to really think about it....

Had I actively pursued the destruction of another's life? YES.

Had I hated the hateable with as much irrational passionate vigour as I could muster? YES.

Had I jumped on the back and tried to gauge the eyes out of an enormous, butch, tattooed ex-con Lesbian in a gay bar after she called me a Fag? YES.

Christ, the more I pondered, the more it dawned on me that I am perhaps THE MOST pyscho person I can think of, Courtney Love included....

And so, with that in mind, I made this blog to share with you all a view of the world from the slightly dilated, twitching, magpie eyes of a TRANS TASMAN PSYCHO.


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