
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Letter from Mary Sherman, Director of TransCultural Exchange

To finish up with all this conference stuff today, the director of TransCultural Exchange was kind enough to respond to the comments I passed on to her from this blog.

Dear Mira's List Readers,

Please note that some of TransCultural Exchange's 2011 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts will be available for free, as mandated by some of the sites donating their services. These are a very limited number of panels, however; and, they are primarily at the Boston Public Library. These events will not be posted on the Conference website; but instead in listings in publications like the Boston Globe.

The conference is a hugely expensive undertaking: 150 speakers coming to Boston to meet with artists, etc. Registration costs alone, do not even cover 1/3 the Conference's expenses. Hence, TransCultural Exchange must encourage people to register for the whole conference. As a courtesy to readers of Mira's List, knowing they are fans of Mira Bartok, TransCultural Exchange is pleased to let the fans know that the events at the BPL (where Mira will be reading) will be offered for free. (Conference badge members, however, will have some seats reserved for them to make sure they have a seat.) The other venues where the talks are free are at MIT, the CONCERT at Northeastern University, and the gallery receptions at the Harrison Avenue Galleries. All other events require a conference badge. Thank you for understanding.

Mary Sherman
Director, TransCultural Exchange
Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts, April 7-11, 2011, Boston Omni Parker House Hotel.

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