
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Romantic Tattoo Designs

Love is one of the most beautiful things that can ever happen to you. In fact, while using the well-known cliché ‘falling in love’, you actually get the sense of the complete opposite of the verb, that is, when you fall in love, you actually rise in it. Love is a wonderful feeling; it makes you extremely happy, emotionally strong, and most importantly, gives you the need to surrender completely to someone, with no conditions or strings attached, whether they love you back or not. Finding the right person, the one true love of your life is a wonderfully terrifying prospect, which will make you wonder how it will really be. However, once you find them, you will know that love means support; it means encouraging your partner when they are feeling disappointed, it means doing crazy things like sending them letters by post, even though you live in the same house, just to see them smile. It means being ready to abandon anything and everything you have ever lived for, just for the sake of your partner, and it also means, on the other hand, accepting that person the way they are, and being grateful for it.

Now, in case you are planning to make your partner realize just how much you really love them, and exactly how committed you are to them, and in order to articulate exactly how much they mean to you, you might just want to go in for a beautiful, touching romantic tattoo. You will come across many romantic tattoo designs in various places, but it is your job to decide on which idea you wish to take up. You could sport the name of your partner on a heart with a banner on your tattoo, for instance, or you could make use of various symbols which you think signify your relationship in the best way, or which are special to you both for some reason. You could also go in for an ambigram, which will read your name on one side, and your partner’s on the other, or simply weaves your initials together in an artistic way, with any symbol as the background.

In order to make the best of your special romantic tattoo design, you need to find a great artist, for one thing. You ought to make sure that the artist’s work is good, and that he or she will not make a mess out of your romantic tattoo, for then it will prove to be extremely difficult and painful to remove. Next, you need to consult your artist about the romantic tattoo design that you have chosen and see if they have any suggestions to add to it, which will enhance the beauty of the tattoo to a greater level.

Here, again, you will have to come to a decision about the color combination and exact structure of the romantic tattoo design, which would include its size and location. The size and location of the romantic tattoo are interdependent. You will first have to decide where you want your tattoo to be situated, and that will help you to decide on the exact size. You could wear your romantic tattoo design on your arm, or the back, or the chest, which looks best on men, or on your ankle, wrist, shoulder, upper or lower back, or anywhere else, when it comes to women (however, having it inked on a location where only your partner can see it would also be a good idea if you want to play the hide-and-seek game, while you could showcase it blatantly to the world, if that is what you want to do).

Once you have all these things taken care of, though, there is nothing to stop you from getting a lovely romantic tattoo design embossed on your skin, and forging a long-lasting and beautiful relationship with your beloved, forever, so that you live happily ever after. But yes, you need to be sure that your partner is the one you wish to be with all your life, for that is how long the tattoo is going to remain. Hence, remember that while you may love many people many times, you can fall in love only once. So only if you are absolutely sure about it, go ahead, and get it, and surprise the hell out of your partner.

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