Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Interview with Author Ayun Halliday!

Welcome Ayun! I’m so happy that you are launching your blog tour for your new book with Mira’s List! It’s been great to follow your career over these last few years. My first memory of you was actually in the mid or late 1980s, seeing you perform with your husband, Greg Kotis at Chicago’s Neofutarium in Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind: 30 Plays in 60 Minutes with the Neo-Futurists. I loved that show and was a regular. Since then, you have moved to New York, written several books for both children and adults and have a successful on-going zine called The East Village Inky. Can you tell us what motivated you to move from acting and improv work to writing? Does it have to do with you becoming a mom? Would you mind telling us a little about this trajectory?
You pretty much nailed it right there. If I’d been acting on Broadway, I’d have had greater motivation and resources to hire a babysitter. Low budget theater takes a lot of time and energy, and adding baby care logistics was way more than of a headache than I could handle. Too Much Light was an integral part of my identity, but there was no way Greg and I could’ve continued as we had been when there was an exclusively breastfed baby at home in a 340 square foot apartment that cost double what we’d been paying in Chicago. We had three cohorts at the time, and none of them were into resurrecting the show in September, when our summer break would’ve been over. So, I was never in a position of having to make the decision of whether or not the show would proceed without me.
Even so, shortly before India’s first birthday, I had myself a nice bit of existential meltdown. We had traveled to Glasgow for the wedding of fellow Neo-Futurist Karen Christopher, and, in order to claim our travels as a business expense, we signed up to participate in a performance workshop she was teaching at the Center for Contemporary Art. I was really excited to be back in a creative community, making art, making new friends... The plan was for me to have India on my lap, and then Greg would hold her when it was my turn to perform. Twenty four hours in, with her squawking, and throwing her bumblebee rattle to the ground at every opportunity, it became apparent that this was not a workable idea. It was, in fact, a poorly thought out imposition on the other participants. I dropped out. Greg continued.
The other participants were really nice, but never got to know me, and kept talking about what a good wife I was, so sweet, showing up at lunchtime with the baby...this diminished identity did a real number on me. I needed to find a creative project that could take shape within the parameters of taking care of a one-year-old, and reach an audience of strangers, as Too Much Light had. That’s what led to the creation of the East Village Inky. I started work on it immediately upon our return from Glasgow, and it’s still going twelve years later.
The switch to writing wasn’t really a switch, as much as a turning away from other activities that had shared the stage prior to my becoming a mother. It’s a common misconception that the Neo-Futurists do improv, but in fact almost all of the short plays in Too Much Light are scripted. Maybe not ‘carefully’ scripted. A lot of them get written on the bus on the way to rehearsal. Years of cranking out short plays on a weekly basis primed me for banging out a zine while the baby napped, whenever and wherever that blessed event occured.
I thought a lot of your career path the past few years had to do with struggling to be a mom AND an artist, something many of my readers deal with too. Anyway, one of my favorite books by you is Job Hopper. I hear a lot of whining sometimes from young people I know about how annoyed they are that they have to take some stupid job in order to support their art. Well...I guess I hear it from geezers like me too! I always just say, “Suck it up—you should read Ayun Halliday’s Job Hopper!” I too had a million jobs—I've done everything from cleaning toilets for evangelical right-wing Christian families to working at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo in an office, surrounded by potty mouth parrots. For fun, can you make a really fast list from the top of your head of some of the jobs you had to take in order to support your addiction to making art?
Sorry - there’s no top of my head left after mining that raw material for the book, even if a lot of jobs from that period are but glancingly mentioned in its pages (to be fair some of them only lasted a day). Instead, I will make a list of the jobs I wish I had had:
Pediatric echocardiogram technician
Museum educator
Massage therapist
First ammendment street vendor
Korean bathhouse attendant (ladies only)
Bike mechanic
Bookstore clerk
Comic book store clerk
If only etsy had existed back in the day, I would go back in time, do anything to get myself hired on there - what a cool place to work!
Ayun, I hate to tell you but I’d had two of your dream jobs! Museum educator and bookstore clerk. I think my dream job would be an ice dancer who could sing opera. Maybe in my next life.... So I always think of you as one of the best grassroots guerrilla marketers around when it comes to getting your work out there. Would you mind telling my readers a few things you do to spread the word about your books and artistic projects?
Wear myself down to a frazzle, you mean? Eschew housework? Spend so much time on the internet that I get tennis elbow? I try to stay mindful of the fact that anyone who is helping me publicize my books or zines is doing me a major favor. If someone mentions the book on a blog, I send a message to thank them. I treat college newspaper reporters with the same respect I would show a New Yorker editor...perhaps one of them will grow up to edit the New Yorker, and THEN their old pal, Ayun Halliday, will start showing up in its pages (hopefully paper will still exist).
I am increasingly mindful to extend that courtesy to the people who turn up for my readings as well. My latest project, the Zinester’s Guide to NYC is an interesting case, because I want to do bookstore events, so the bookstores will stand behind the book, but how does one do a reading for a guidebook? For its release at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe, I basically threw a bunch of stuff at the wall, and prayed something would stick. I played Pomp and Circumstance while reciting the names of all the zine publishers who had contributed listings and illustrations so those who were present could receive their complimentary contributor copies, diploma style. Then each of them recited their favorite listing, which was kind of a hot mess because none of them had seen the finished book before. Thank god we have an index. We had a mini zine fair. My favorite part was the peformance of eight original songs inspired by the guidebook, courtesy of various members of the Bushwick Book Club.
It seemed like everyone who showed up had a really good time...at least they got something more than a garden variety reading. That three ring circus approach helps as far as getting advance publicity too. Our next event on November 30 at St. Mark’s Bookshop features an opportunity for audience members to bring their own zines in for consignment, and grill the contributors about all things zine related. The one at Bluestockings on December 5 is a vegetarian potluck. Anything to rise above the herd...
With the holidays looming, I’ve decided to take it to the streets. Literally. It’s kind of scary...nothing like a crush of disiterested shoppers gliding past a table set up with your blood, sweat and tears to make you feel like a loser. Of course, having all the major publishers reject your second children’s book can make you feel like a loser too. That experience has reawakened a bit of my Little Red “Fuck you! I’ll do it myself!” Hen sensibility. India was a cigarette girl for Halloween one year. I’m going to co-opt the tray that once held boxes of candy cigarettes, load it full of ZG2NYCs and try my luck with the tourists waiting in line at the Empire State Building and the half price ticket booth in Times Square. It’s scary, but it’s not like I’m trying to sell them something they don’t want and/or need!
And today, on a whim, I droplifted a couple of copies in the travel section of the Barnes and Noble across the street from Lincoln Center. Why not, you know?
Wow, you are the anti-thesis of some slacker writers who expect everything to be handed to them. I really admire your enthusiasm and innovative approach to marketing your books. Do you have any great advice to first time authors? Feel free to use that much-adored phrase we all know and love from EVI. Personally, I do believe it sums it all up!
Dare to be Heinie? All right. Maybe one of your readers can tell me what it means. A travel blogger in Australia just asked me that question, so with your permission, I’m going to cut and paste what I told her... that tennis elbow’s starting to act up a bit:
“The best advice I can give is to cite something the late monologuist Spalding Grey told Tricycle Magazine, that he started performing the autobiographical monologues that garnered a lot of recognition for him because he “got sick of waiting for the big infernal machine to make up its mind” about him. I’ve never had much of a gift for going after success in a traditional, mainstream way. Starting my zine, The East Village Inky, is what led to my first book contract and it sustains me creatively during periods when things feel like they’re starting to run off the rails. Writing is only part of being a writer. You’ve also got to get it out there, particularly if no one else seems interested in doing it for you.”I totally agree, Ayun. I simply don’t understand how someone can spend hours, weeks, months and years working so passionately on a project and then when it comes time to spend the energy to find an agent, send out queries, write something for a blog, put oneself out there, they refuse or complain. In this publishing climate, they will simply perish, in my opinion.
So any great advice to mommy writers and artists, i.e. ways in which you keep your sanity and find a balance between the demands of motherhood and the demands of your creative life?
Anyone who would diminish your experience of motherhood can get stuffed. I hate that term ‘momoir’—you can hear the sneer with which it was coined! Don’t get caught in flame wars in the comments sections of the parenting blogs either—it’s a highly contagious toxin that will devour your precious writing time. For those whose children are still in infancy or toddlerhood, take heart in the fact that they do grow out of it. (By the same token, savor and document this period, because they do grow out of it.)
For me, having children turned out to be a real bite in the ass. Back when my creative time was limited to the always unpedictable hour or two India and then Milo conked out for a nap, I had only myself to blame if I blew it. It was a completely balls- to-the-wall, carpe diem type situation. Now that they’re both in school, I’m not nearly as disciplined. Maybe I should have another baby...
One of the things I LOVE about the East Village Inky (and, as you know, I have been a subscriber for years) is all the advice you give about amazing and authentic places to see in NYC, not to mention great places to eat and things to do for free. Which brings me to your new book: The Zinester's Guide to New York City. Please tell our readers a little bit about your book so that they will be so excited, they will run out and get it right after they finish this interview.
And here I thought I was doing that with my description of the Housing Works event!
The Zinester’s Guide to NYC is a low budget, highly participatory, anecdotal, illustrated guidebook that costs less than a movie ticket here in its city of origin. Quite possibly the last wholly analog creature of its species. There’s a cheese store listed in the Art Supplies category. And Stephen Colbert said it’s the guidebook he’d use if he could still still walk the streets of New York among his People.
Thanks for joining us today Ayun and I wish you the absolute best luck with your new book and all your future endeavors! Dare to be Heinie!

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Designs For Tattoos Trend
Tattoo trends have little people big time mode and the children are no exception either. Initially when the tattooing business started taking speed, the girls were a bit hesitant to get one for them. Only boys and men and some women seem to rebel and eccentric used to have tattoos on their bodies.
But now her designs for tattoos are too sports a tattoo on their body and they feel that it makes them look very stylish and trendy. Although originally used tattoos to identify a community, become more common and socially acceptable as many celebrities and household names from the general sporting one and most of them are women too. The women most models, pop artists, athletes, etc. Tattoos for girls are

Girls looking for more feminism in their tattoos. They want to be more girly and neat. So here are some of the most popular tattoos for girls.
1. Butterfly Design: Butterflies are something that almost every girl loves. This is mainly because of its form, beauty and varied colors of butterflies have on their bodies. Therefore, the butterfly is very popular designs for tattoos for girls.
2. Flower Design: Just like a butterfly, girls love flowers too. Girls think that they can be enchanted by the beauty of the flowers being so rich and vibrant in color and a sense of fun it provides is something no other object that can give. And that's why

3. Design Star: Girls like a heavenly things as the moon and the stars. They basically like what they see in the sky at night. And get the item from the sky are engraved in the form of a tattoo is something they would really not mind and will appreciate.
4. Fairy designs: fairy is considered a beautiful girl from heaven. When these girls get a fairy tattoo on their body, they feel very pretty and confident.
5. Design Dolphin: Dolphins are considered one of the most beautiful fish on earth and they are very popular among women. Girls love dolphins and they do not mind to have a picture of dolphins in their bodies if they could.
6. Heart design: Girls very emotional when compared with boys. They are more emotional and sensitive and their most of their goods from their hearts. They love love, people who love and get loved. Hearts symbolize love and that's why they like to have a heart design on their body.
Girls can find this tattoo is very easy and almost anywhere they want. They can be seen in the designs for tattoos sites where there are various kinds and various designs are available. Or conversely, they can go into a tattoo shop where they will have an album of various shapes and designs of tattoos that they can carve.
Chinese Tattoo Designs
Most of the time, Chinese tattoo designs I have seen depict a great red dragon soaring in the clouds stretched after a man (now even the women) and the Chinese mafia or gangs. You will rarely see a "good" Chinese people sporting tattoos fierce. In the movie, it's always a bad guy with a stiff upper lip and the piercing in any body piercing may be that before the big one on one fight with a good man, took off his shirt, then lifted his camera on a large tattoo. Good people will be disturbed; moan bad people, and against active.
If you know how Chinese tattoo designs, you will understand why you only see Chinese tattoo designs on the bad guys. "See, way back in the period of ancient China, Tattoos see only the bad guys." The Chinese word for tattoo CI sheng, which means literally "puncture the body" to act contrary to the Confucian idea of filial piety,
Nevertheless, the situation has changed over the years, and the Chinese tattoo designs has come a very symbolic for the Chinese and non-Chinese the same. Tattoos of animals, real or mythical, are now considered art, a large population of the world, so that the tattoo convention held annually in different countries. This agreement shows how both men and women who have changed their body, indelible art paintings, handmade by famous artists tattoo in the world.
There are quite a lot of Chinese inspired tattoos, mostly animals or flowers that have
Other projects include: the phoenix as a symbol of high virtue and grace, koi fish (of Chinese origin, but is now popular among the Japanese people), which is a symbol of masculinity and positive characteristics such as courage, the ability to achieve higher goals and overcome the difficulties of life, and
Chinese tattoo designs often used in non-Chinese, mostly in the west - first dark history of tattooing among ancient China, and the second because of its attractiveness for things beautiful exotic. This popular design reflects the Chinese culture, as well as from changes in time.
Eagle Tattoo Designs
Art historians, Andrea Mulder-Slater, defines character as "one or more pictures that tell the story without using the words" Tattoos are not just designed. But they are sort of symbols. Not everything in this world can not dare to have a tattoo, which is an idea of what you are and what you think. It takes strength of character and determination to show the world through the tattoo, soul and your mental attitude.
Tattoos are for people who are not ashamed of what they want to show to the world. There are unlimited designs available to express their individuality and an eagle tattoo designs is one of the most famous in this design.
Eagle tattoo designs is actually one of the first tattooed on people before they even called tattoo.

Symbols Eagle
The eagle is one of the most beautiful and majestic birds from the wild and is completely independent in nature. This is a stunning bird royal qualities of independence and power and gifted insight to see things that are not visible to normal eyes. We can say that the people who decided to get an eagle tattoo designs free soul who love freedom, but also boasts special attributes, they look under the surface.
See Rule Important
In addition to the large tattoo on his back, if you want to have an eagle tattoo designs, you should choose one that is creative and unique. The most popular areas of the hands, shoulders, upper back area and lower back region. You can have it in other parts of the body, too, provided the size of the tattoo is compatible.
The only problem in getting a tattoo is that small details like the color of their feathers
Color is a very important element of the tattoo. We must choose a color scheme very carefully when choosing an eagle tattoo designs. You can also enter another letter or word, with tattoos to enhance their beauty. And we must remember that tattoo that you will do so throughout life, so people should make a unique and beautiful.
Hawaiian Tribal Tattoos
Get Hawaiian Tribal Tattoos
Hawaii is part of the Polynesian islands, Hawaii, why tribal Polynesian tattoo designs. It was used by tribes centuries ago. Tattoos have become part of Hawaiian culture and the tribal tattoo has a different character.
Hawaiian tribal tattoos are usually worn at the moment and their value depends on who wear tattoos. Therefore, before getting a tattoo tribe Hawaii, you should know
For tribes, these tattoos have a very significant connotations. Here are some reasons for wearing their traditional tattoos:
To protect
For Hawaiian tribal tattoos, believes that tattoos to protect them from dangers and diseases. Some designs use sharks, knives and so forth.
This is also in their culture, to get a tattoo, when a loved one or a tribal chief who had died. That is how they symbolically the memory of the victims.
While this may be symbolic tattoos for those who wear now, some may wish for this design stand out. Whatever their reasons may be the most important thing here is to have a healthy dose of respect for tribal tattoo designs, such as token of their respect.
Irish Tattoo Designs
There is some variety in the influence of Irish culture. Its rich artistic traditions and sharp, colorful and spiritual culture makes many Irish tattoo designs are extraordinary.
There is a large Irish tattoo designs depicting the best of Irish culture. From this heritage, practices and people. The most popular of all the projects will be Celtic cross design thesis. For you to appreciate the culture of Iris on, here some meaningful Irish tattoo designs:
Celtic cross tattoo
In particular, the Celtic culture is largely dependent on the practices and traditions in Ireland. Throughout Europe, especially in the British Isles, Catholic Celtic. And how are this with a fine Celtic cross. Celtic cross design is usually designed with a dense black images. Thus,
Irish clover
Another well-known design for a tattoo is a symbol of good luck Ireland, Ireland or the plush shamrock. brands that stand out are the green. You can choose what color matches your eyes and skin. Be a dark or light shade clover, Ireland, has been popular throughout the world.
For the patriot, the Irish flag tattoo is more popular. It symbolizes the pride in their heritage, where they are and how they fight and to live freely today.
Celtic Knot
Celtic has a lot of Irish influence not only on the spiritual side, but also with their traditions. Celtic rich illustrations, mainly represented by the Irish tradition. Celtic knot design means spiritual infinity and

With every tattoo design makes it unique from Ireland for other projects tattoos. You can now proceed to the selection of Irish tattoo designs and wear it with pride knowing design has a deeper meaning of one of the oldest and richest cultures in history.
Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Choosing Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Flowers are the embodiment of nature and a short symbol cycle of birth, life, procreation, death and rebirth. Flowers and butterflies are naturally go together. Flowers and Butterflies Tattoo Art Is Hot, is a great design, which can be very flexible and easily tailored to your needs and situation. Tattoos, which can be stored in different places on the body and looks like a perfect set. Flower tattoos popular with the natives of the island along with women. lotus flower tattoos are also popular for people who have been through difficult times, and now out of it.
Celtic style tattoos butterfly interesting, colorful and very different. Although tattoos are generally more preferred to women, there are some people who are fascinated with the flexibility design.Girls with many of these characteristics will be drawn to the dragonfly tattoo art. Girls choose butterfly tattoo art, angel tattoos, flower tattoos, dolphin tattoo designs, small tattoo.
Consider the view of the book with photographs of local artists to get a general idea of / style it. If you have specific ideas, to take his tattoos, and let them on paper sketch design. Pay attention to the deeper meaning when you consider choosing a butterfly tattoo design gallery for your skin. If you decide the broad wings of the Monarch classics to the shoulder or the strange dress, a purple butterfly, butterfly tattoo art clavicle you will have the meaning and symbolism can be worn on your body.
Flower butterfly tattoo is very simple in shape and size to fit the shape of the ideal female body. In addition, they are both very colorful and beautiful, and can be hot looking with almost any color. Tattoos, which can be stored in different places on the body and looks like a perfect set.
Loins butterfly lower back tattoos or dolphin tattoo designs was very serious. Simply put, tattoos with bright colors and modern design will be quite surprising.
Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Zodiac Tattoo Designs
Zodiac tattoo designs are becoming more and more popular. Many people are very proud of their zodiac signs, and they want the whole world knows a good tattoo.
Signs of the Zodiac became part of culture, which stretches from east to west, all for a long time. This belief is based on the lunar calendar, and they say that the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies affect your mood, personality and destiny. Many people believe this and seeks to show the world who they are. After the zodiac tattoo designs on you to give other people see your personality.
Now that you've decided to get a tattoo, the next step is to find a good tattoo art design will use the zodiac. You can easily switch to the Internet and look at the design, and you'll get many results. You can create a query into a search engine and you'll see hundreds of thousands of projects to choose from. You can take only the general design and the tattoo on you. For example, if you are a lion, you can only get an image of a lion, he has a tattoo on you, and you're done.
General zodiac tattoo designs, however, puts you in big losses.
So how do you find a good zodiac tattoo designs? First, do not rely on search engines. Basically they provide the most content sites that are or have been in this business for a long time. If the design is already in the network for a long time, then chances are, many others also use the design, no longer makes the unoriginal.
In order to find a good zodiac tattoo designs,
Be careful when selecting a tattoo design. Know what you want and not satisfied with anything less. Spend more time with the desired design. Remember that the tattoo will be with you for life, you have to make the right decisions, what to get. If you're not careful, you may regret it the rest of their lives.
Samoan Tattoo Designs
Find great Samoan tattoo designs on the internet and can be a bit difficult to
This can be quite adventurous when looking web Samoan tattoo designs. You may have found a large number of tattoo galleries that have them, but I'm sure that most of these peaks is well below expectations. This happens quite a lot if you use to find tattoo galleries
And not only that, but most of Samoa, tattoos and designs that they can be exactly the same as posted in the gallery hundreds of others already. Not a little bit of originality in the picture. If in any way to get all the tattoo Samoa, and you lost the use of search engines. Well, there is a road, and it was very easy.
This is how easily and efficiently to find and Samoan tattoo designs that you can never find otherwise. Regardless of the Samoan tattoo or design you can think about getting signed, but make sure it is perfect for your taste and was not satisfied with something less.
Tattoo Letter Designs
One type of option is more attractive than the tattoo is a word or phrase. While some of

One of the things that are difficult, however, that it is too easy to make mistakes with your own tattoo letter designs. letter will need to specifically work of art - what looks good on your body. "Times New Roman" will not cut him - font "" written especially needed - something that can be regarded as a work of art, even though the word itself does not make sense.

Two different types - and their importance
When searching for tattoo letter designs, they are usually looking for one of two things:
1) English letters and artistic bent.
2) Chinese characters accurately.
In connection with English letters, the letters to find the right tattoo design can be tricky. Unlike some types of works of art, such as handwritten letters - it is easier to forge, if you know anything. As a result, this is a good idea to go directly to your favorite room and see that they have letters. This gives you the opportunity to
Chinese characters can be tricky. The value of tattoo design changes, based on the accuracy of the letter. Too many foreign artists in China to leave the important lines or markings to radically change the meaning of words - or to give the floor is not full.
The best way to fix this to send a letter tattoo artist
Choosing the right tattoo letter designs is more important than the content words that you create. If you look at the letters in the English language, beauty of your trust. When searching for Chinese characters, make sure you go to a specialist in the language with the experience of tattoos.
Japanese Flower Tattoos
Japanese flower tattoos are more popular than other Japanese tattoos. It's not just art,
Flower tattoos bring a sense of femininity, and that they revered exclusively female population. Most Hollywood celebrities, including Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore, Pamela Anderson, Cher, Salma Hayek, Shakira, Britney Spears, Anna

This may be because the color of the form and fragrance, flower tattoos is very symbolic and resulting in a strong sense of feminism. Depending on your taste and aroma, you can choose one or several different varieties of floral design. Of all the tattoo art of flower,

flower tattoo design is quite Marc styles for your pictures. Gone are the days when tattoos were at a premium only princess and queen. But it became more fashionable now. They have rock stars, movie celebrities, models, sports icons, and girls going to

You will not be disappointed. There are so many colors and so many projects that suit your taste. Go ahead and start collecting colorful flowers tattoo exclusive.
Tattoo Design Ideas

List of Individual Quality of Life
First, you want your tattoo to be personal, but for this you will need to think about some of the quality of personal life that are important to you. What do you want your tattoo represent? Strength, solidarity, independence, love, maybe there is a certain experience or event you want to document. There are lots of tattoo design ideas, which can then be found that

Free tattoo ideas
Next you want to find some ideas for the free ink. That's how you can do it.
1. Tattoo studio directory.

2. Search the web.
You can search online for random tattoo ideas for free. You can find some ideas and images for your tattoo. But these are usually trial and error. It may take a lot of looking and looking to find a really good quality design that you want to get a tattoo.
3. Online tattoo gallery.
This is an excellent choice to discover thousands of different ideas, and very easy to navigate, as all in the category. So if you're looking for star tattoo, for example, you move immediately into this category and find high-quality design that you can print out and use for free. The only snag with an online gallery of tattoos is that you usually have to pay a one time fee to enter, but then you go back and try as much as you want until you find your ideal tattoo. And then, as they say, you can download as many as you want for free.
Tribal Armband Tattoos
How to find a beautiful and sexy tribal armband tattoos
Tribal armband tattoos increased in popularity in society. Most projects include a variety of folk art and tattoos. People of different generations are interested in tribal tattoos and wonder bracelet.
Ethnic bracelet tattoo design admired by many different reasons. Some people use this design, such as freedom of expression, for some visual pleasure, while others wear them for reasons such as the memory of their loved ones.
Tattoos have become part of the history of many cultures and heritage. North America, Polynesia, Asia, and others wore tattoos for different reasons. tattoo bracelet is used to represent a class or a senior member of a tribe or group. Colors and designs vary and in other cases, the status quo, and even adds value tribal armband tattoos.
It was in the 90's, when tattoos tribal bands began to become very popular in society. This is because many people like artists and actors began wearing them in this era. As a general rule, dark and daring projects, which may be why they seem very attractive to many people.
Some other popular tattoo bracelet inspired by Celtic designs. This design mostly interconnected and can be complex, because it takes years to perfect training. Celtic inspired this design, usually symmetrical, and if an artist is not, it can be difficult to patch-up design.
Tribal Art Tattoos
Tattooing is the oldest found on Oetzi, the Bronze Age warrior who lived some fifty three centuries ago. Oetzi is still founder in 1991 was preserved in ice from the glacier
In a world that is crazy tattoos, tribal art tattoos, it seems, has caused more than their fair of such madness. They are the most popular and most easily recognizable, all tattoos. With their startling black lines and sharply defined abstract shapes which somehow cause animals, birds and reptiles, like the tribal art tattoos old connections lost in the world clean.
The term includes a tribal art tattoos style developed African and Pacific Islander ethnic culture and people, the Maori in New Zealand is the most distinctive tattoos. their usual definition of individual families within their tribes, cutting and painting the history of this family in the person of his descendants known as Moko, and has become a source of inspiration for many modern tribal art tattoos person.

Maori tattoo art is recognized for two types of models. One of them is a line of pigment, ink, and other relevant background, and allows the skin to form the picture untouched. Many Maori tattoos contain spirals similar to fern leaves.
Native Americans also used the art of tattoo as a means of tribal identification, and their soldiers fighting tattoo believed to provide protection; tribes of Samoa, on the other hand, to cover their young men entirely in tattoos as a rite of passage into adulthood. Tattoo tribal art were used for different reasons, and very few of them were just fine.
Tribal art tattoos does not make their way in the world of "civilized" until they were brought back to the nineteenth century by sailors who are willing to put up with very painful ink technique practiced tribal tattoo artists. However, tribal art tattoos that is being adopted world by storm, it's not quite the same as those that adorn many of the burned hand solarium torsos.

Most popular today tribal art tattoos bandages, a chain of knots, barbed wire, or fire all of them popular. Stylized animal heads and a big sunbursts to shoulder or chest area, and the umbilicus circular tribal art tattoos are also quite common. Tribal art tattoo, in fact, works very well in stressing the contours of the body, and there are lots of projects perfect for curvature if the lower back.