
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Residencies in Scotland, China & India, Writing Fellowships, Latino Arts Grants and More!

Hey there, I hope you are all having a great summer. And I hope you checked out the interview I just did with TransculturalExchange director Mary Sherman. If not, go HERE. You will find out about international residencies, the upcoming TCE conference in 2011 (where I will both read at and speak at) and more.

After you read that enlightening interview, check out these new opportunities below, courtesy of Funds for Writers and Pen American. And the odd google search here and there. As you know, I'm having a crazy summer but naturally, you are in my thoughts and dreams day in and day out....speaking of dreams, I'm off to see Inception tonight. People seem to either hate it or love it.

Okay, happy searching....cheers! Mirabee

(LATINO ARTISTS) The National Association of Latino Arts and Culture Fund for the Arts: The NALAC Fund for the Arts awards a small number of fellowships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to support artists whose work demonstrates excellence and the potential for
impacting the Latino arts field. Examples of acceptable expenses for NFA fellowships include but are not limited to: costs for the creation or completion of new work, travel, study, professional development, living expenses, equipment, hiring of assistants, costs for documentation, production expenses and maintenance. Projects must begin after January 1, 2011 and must end by December 31, 2011. Deadline September 24, 2010.

(ALL) American Academy in Berlin—
Berlin Prize Fellowship: Residential fellowships offer a stipend ranging from $3,500 to $5,000 per month, round-trip airfare, housing at the Academy, and partial board to emerging as well as established scholars, writers, and professionals who wish to engage in independent study in Berlin for an academic semester or in rare cases for an entire academic year. In the case of the Bosch Fellowship in Public Policy, shorter stays of six to eight weeks may be arranged. Fellows are expected to be in residence at the Academy during the entire term of the award. For more info:, website: Deadline is October 1, 2010.

(WRITERS) Bronx Council on the Arts—Writers' Center Fellowship and Residency
: The Bronx Writers' Center Fellowship annually awards two nine-month literary fellowships to writers who reside in the Bronx, regardless of age but who are not enrolled as full-time students. An award of $5,000 is given to each winner and a community service project at the Bronx Writers' Center is required. All eligible applicants must submit four copies of a representative body of work of no more than ten pages of poetry or twenty pages of fiction. The work should display professional accomplishment and their commitment to a literary career. Consult the web site for more information. Write to Bronx Writers' Center Fellowship at or see web site ( for more details. Deadline is September 4, 2010.

(WRITERS) International Retreat for Writers at Hawthornden Castle: The retreat offers residencies of four weeks for five published creative writers (novelists, poets, playwrights) at a time. Residencies, which include room and board, are scheduled in spring, summer, and fall. Write for further information and application. International Retreat for Writers at Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian EH18 1EG, Scotland. Application Deadline to be announced.

(WRITERS) The Fielding Programme Residency: The Fielding Programme is a unique residency opportunity for writers with a project in hand. It offers one-to-one support for your novel, poetry or play in the spectacular setting of Cove Park, Scotland's international artist residency centre. High quality private accommodation, a very small group of fellow writers (max 6) and a friendly convivial atmosphere complete the experience. Come for one week or two depending on your project. Just £395 for one week. The autumn programme runs for two weeks beginning October 18 2010. More details on

(***at this time, I don't know if the Fielding Programme offers any stipend or scholarship. I just wrote them to ask so if they do, I'll let you know.)

(COMIC BOOK /GRAPHIC NOVEL ARTISTS) Xeric Foundation Grants: Grants of up to $5,000 are offered to assist comic book creators with some of the costs of self-publishing (physical production and distribution, printing, color separation, solicitation, shipping). Grants are not intended to support an artist/writer fully through the process of self-publishing, but rather to encourage creators to learn from the experience of working toward such a goal. Deadlines are March 31 and September 30. Write for additional information and application. Xeric Foundation, 351 Pleasant Street #214, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060. Email:, website:

(WRITERS) The M Literary Residency Program: offers two residencies, one in Shanghai, China and one in Pondicherry, India. The residencies are each three months long and candidates should only apply for one. Both writing fellows receive a total of $1,000 to cover living costs. The program is open to writers of fiction, literary non-fiction, or poetry whose residence in India or China would benefit their work. The program is intended to help foster greater cultural and artistic connections across individuals and communities. For more info, email: or visit the website: Deadline is October 31, 2010.

By the way folks, lots of deadlines coming up this fall for residencies, retreats and so on. September is a big month for those opportunities. Check out these websites for listings on residency deadlines all over the world:, and

Also, the Fulbright scholarships will most likely be due in October so if you are considering applying, get cracking! Go here for more info on Fulbrights:

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