
Sunday, March 7, 2010


I totally loved this years Academy Awards!
SO FUN, so glitzy and showy and old Hollywood!
Except it was sort of poorly dressed. Not the normal stampede of FABITY FAB.
Here are MY awards:
Best Dress:
Gabbie Sidibe-A stunning dress, and looked absolutely stellar on her.
Kristen Stewert-Beautifully made, and perfectly suited to her personality.
Hottest Older Woman: Director Kathryn Bigelow and her banger bod

Most Unfunny Jokes: Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. Such great comics, such weird jokes. A few golden moments, but generally verr stiff and unnatural.
Best Entertainment piece: Neil Patrick Harris. Hilarious, handsome, great jacket, and damn what a lovely, well performed show!
Best at being an A list Ladies:
Meryl Streep- Beyond classy, you looked lovely and were so gracious.
Penelope Cruz- why must you be so damn beautiful? And your accent is beautiful. You are so poised and sexy and spanish
Kate Winslet- at one point, the camera flashed to you, and you looked like the perfect picture of elegance, I almost barfed. Your hair,
makeup, and dress were all fantastic.
Best at being an A list Sirs:
George Clooney-My belief is that you are James Bond reincarnated.
Every time the camera was on you was an awesome, entertaining moment.
(But seriously, honey, you need a haircut)
Matt Damon-Such a great actor, but you also seem like such a good dude,
with your head on straight, and just so modest.
Your accent in Invictus was entirely too desirable.
(Lovin the facial scruff, I would like to sex you up till the sun dies...)
Morgan Freeman-nuff said.
Best Presenting Pair:
Tina Fey and Robert Downey Junior-You two were HILARRRRRIOUS.
Truly golden comedic performance. But Tina, who did your hair? Go shoot them.
As for you, RDJ, loved the outfit.
Best Delicioso Gentlemen:
Taylor Lautner- I want to make naughty naughty with Taysexy quite a lot.
He looks like everything I have ever wanted in a male specimen.
(somewhere, Taylor Swift is wishing she hadn't dumped your ass...
oh and she is pissed because Cameron Diaz stole her dress.)
Ryan Reynolds- Shut up and show me where the bedroom is. You are already too damn fine, and then you wore a tux. (where was Scarlett tonight? I miss her and her ample basoomas!)
Best Tribute: To John Hughes. Because he deserved it. But uncanny tranny! Molly Ringwald was like a robot. She didn't BLINK. Also, I noticed she lost like 30 pounds for this. :( I loved your pudge.
Best Montage: James Taylor live performance during the RIP commemoration? PERFECTION.
Best WTF Moment: Oh and WHAT the eff was the clip from New Moon doing in the HORROR MOVIE MONTAGE? roflcopter.
Best AWESOME: Quentin Tarantino- You are the weirdest, most awesome freak.
Most Inspiring Moment: Gabourney Sidibe's response to Oprah's praise- You looked so lovely. And your tears of wonder were the most genuinely touching things of the
Best Acceptance Speech: Sandra Bullock- You have come so far, and I have been rooting for you all the way. Your husband and you are so cute together, and your speech made me cry. Your dress wasn't great, but you got the little gold guy so who cares?
Best Surprise-but-not-really: Monique- I love you. Your speech was classy as can be, and I am just blown by your performance. Not a super big fan of the dress, but you did look lovely.
WORST WORST WORST DRESS: Zoe Saldana-You have sinned. That dress... my eyeballs are bleeding.

Thats all for now, but I will be posting more later!

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