
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm a Makeup Snob

Just saw Eclipse!
The movie was awesome
and I love Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and Billy Burke
I am still a little ticked that they didn't cast a native american as Jacob,
but Taylor Lautner's body is BANGIN!
But that is all beside the point.

The point is:
the makeup sucked with a capital UCK.

Bella's face looked prom-ready the whole movie,
complete powdered eyebrows and berry lips.
HELLO what 17 year old do you know that wears lipstick 24/7?
On the subject of lips, Jacob's were purple the whole film.

Furthermore, I would love to stage a protest
banning Rob Pattinson's eyebrows.
They are hideous,
for the first movie they shaped them
and he looked great
ignore the copius amounts of eyeliner and lipstick LAWL
- imperfect and flawless like a vampire-
but for the last two they have let them go CRAAAAAAZY
ahhhhhhh! run for your life!
and it is entirely too distracting.
Especially in IMAX (which by the way, is EXCESSIVELY loud)
And the white makeup they use on the vampires is poorly applied.
You can see the pink through which I say is tacky.

And then there is little Jane,
played by Dakota Fanning
who has great style but tries to hard when she is acting.
Her makeup is WRETCHED.
The weird black cat eye... ew ew ew.
It is just distracting.
Speaking of eyeliner,
all the guy vampires look like Pete Wentz or something...

And let me pick another fight, just to be thorough.
why they have an olive skinned italian playing a natural blonde is beyond me

Overall, the makeup was unnatural,
worked oddly with the lighting,
and was distractingly heavy.

the movie was awesome.
I am totally obsessed with all the actors, especially Kristen Stewart.
I loved it.

Still, I want to kick Robin Mathews, head makeup artist.
Her work may have played off well in the Runaways,
but it looked silly in Eclipse.

Thank you, I love you,
and I promise to be back to normal tomorrow with two new posts.
(Only 3 left in the Cheap Alternatives series!)

~Claire de la Luna

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cheaper Alternatives #6

For your body,
instead of splurging for expensive moisturizers-
which come in small packaging and have tons of fillers
use baby oil!
It is basically just mineral oil- and your skin will love it!
It actually is MORE effective than basic glycerin-based body lotions.
This is especially great for sensitive skin,
since baby products are SUPER mild.

I've been a competitive swimmer since I was 5,
and this stuff has kept my skin from dying a traumatic lizardlike death.
Plus, you only need to use a little bit so it lasts FOREVER
After showering, pat dry and rub on legs, torso, arms, and booty.
Soon, your skin will feel like a baby's butt!


ohhhhhh and also: I'm filming a tutorial tomorrow night! chika WAH WAH!
and, my sister says hello!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cheaper Alternatives #5

Conditioner as Shaving Cream!

For extremely sensitive skin,
or when you run out of shaving cream,
or when you are traveling...
use conditioner to shave!

It works great!
and unlike soap, it doesn't clog up your razor or dry out your skin!

i went to a bunch of fancy pants stores today:
mario's, barney's, diesel, burkes brothers...
those stores suck!
They are overpriced beyond oblivion!

Popular Tribal Tattoo Ideas

Popular Tribal Tattoo Ideas Tribal Tattoos, although may appear to be simple at times, are undoubtedly appealing and among the most popular today. This article will help those especially new to the world of tattoos in general and particularly, Tribal Tats. The following walk through history will help shed light on some of the different Tribal Tattoo Ideas used throughout the decades.

The most common Tribal Tats found today dates back to the polynesians who used black, geometric tatau ornaments which appeared to be silhouette-like in many ways. In Europe, sailors were attributed for the earliest Tribal Tat ideas - they originated from Tahiti and were added together with the sailors' own maritime-themed designs. Over the years, they have evolved to become what is known as traditional tattoos.

Over in America, Leo Zulueta and Don Ed Hardy, an innovator, were both responsible for an exciting Tribal Tats boom in 1982 when they started "Tattoo Time", a magazine on tattoos. Featuring native Borneo and Samoan tattoos, it quickly popularized these tattoo ideas as a form of interesting tattoo style and design.

As illustrated from above, these modern day tattoos have strong ties and affiliation with natives and tribes from different parts of the world. It was from there that they slowly evolved into the Tribal Tattoo ideas we have today. Although it has been said that a handful of tattoo parlors and tattoo artists would turn down tribal tattoo designs due to their simplicity, a lot of tattoo enthusiasts begs to differ. Tribal Tats, as a matter of fact, needs articulate skill to be tattooed on the difficult body parts in order for it to look naturally "grown". In addition, it has also been said that the coloring of these tattoos requires a steady hand.

You can find an assortment of tribal tat ideas ranging from tribal armbands, flames, black, crosses, stars, tigers and an assortment of motives and designs that are based on tribal motives. Personally, I have 3 tribal tattoos tattooed on different parts of my hands - one of a tribal flame on my right shoulder, one of a tribal motive which I designed on my left shoulder and another circular tribal design on my right wrist.

Tattoos and History (A Love Story)

Tattoos and History (A Love Story) Ritualistic tattoos:

We are living in times where tattoos and body modification are more associated with fashion than related to the original idea of getting your body permanently marked for magic, spiritual or personal reasons.

Actually many believe that the first tattoos were created by accident. The most viable theory that I read was that some tribes used to treat open wounds by rubbing or patching them with some kind of herb or flower elixir, which probably produced some kind of ink. This ink while in touch with the cut created a permanent mark and at the same time due to the phototherapeutic use of it helped the wound to heal.

Even if the original meaning and origin of body modification is mostly lost along the history we know that thousands of years ago it was used in many different ways, mostly deriving from the human believes and creativity.

The little that we know about tattoo and corporal modification history allow us to say that they were sometimes used not only as part of healing or transition rituals. They were also used as identification between tribes, bravery and adulthood signs. Some warriors like the Vikings used to get their faced tattooed to frighten their rivals. Other tribes used to tattoo their female's faces to avoid them from being kidnapped or raped by enemies.

In other barbarian cultures, which became famous for their cruelty, before killing their tattooed prisoners the warriors were given the right to de-flash their prisoners and use the adorned skin as a protection charms. The same procedures interestingly enough were repeated during the WWII, but with non adorned skins. What says tons about development and modern civilization.

At this time tattoos, scarification and insertion of seeds and pits under human skin were well seen around the primitive world. Unfortunately in Persia, due to its non erasable character; Tattoos became a way of marking slaves. This idea somehow pleased the Greeks and the Romans which not only marked their slaves; they also tattooed thieves and outlaws.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


As of today, I, Claire Fusako Neble Matsunami,
have officially been hired as a freelance makeup artist for MAC.

And I just bought my tickets to Eclipse with my sister
I'm so happy!!!
(check out my sweet henna tat from the Gay PrideFest at Seattle Center!)

I forgot to add:
Tea Tree Oil is great for healing tattoos and piercings!

I will resume with my Cheaper Solutions series tomorrow!
Team Jacob!

Beautiful Body Painting Tattoos

Beautiful Body Painting Tattoos
The Body As A Canvas: Body Art

The human body is the tool through which somebody experiences life and his surroundings as well as interacts and communicates with others. To some people, however, the body is another piece of canvas through which they could express themselves, their beliefs and their traditions.

Drawing a Picture, Telling a Message

Just as paintings hanging on walls make a room more beautiful, body art can enhance a person's good physical attributes. Some ladies have a sunflower tattooed on their backs so that they can wear backless dresses that will reveal their flawless skin adorned by the tattooed flower. In this sense, body art is worn the way diamond necklaces are - it is meant to adorn and enhance the wearer's beauty. However, there are other much more complex reasons for the proliferation and practice of body art. These reasons can be cultural, political, or spiritual.

Body art is extremely common in jails. Tattooing and branding are some of the most common rites of passage for inmates who wish to be part of certain groups. Body art can also be used to declare personal beliefs and political stand. In this case, body art can be compared to graffiti on the wall; it declares what the person wearing the art believes. People in ethnic groups also used tattooing extensively as a form of ornamentation. In some cases, tattoos were used to mark how many people a warrior has killed in battle.

Body Art Types

Widely known types of body art are body painting, tattoos, shaping, scarification, branding and body piercing. Body painting is usually done by painting on the body, usually covering the whole body completely with water-soluble makeup or paints. Body painting is very similar to painting on canvas, however, it can be more difficult to accomplish as the body has contours that makes painting pictures and scenes on the body more complicated.

Tattoos, probably known by all, are permanent decorations on the body applied through the use of an electrically ran needle. Body tattoos usually cover a relatively small portion of the body. Favorite places for body tattoos are the chest, the upper arms, and the back of the shoulders. Body tattoos are relatively permanent, too, as the picture or the letters are etched onto the skin.

Body piercing is accomplished through the use of materials such as beads and precious stones and metals. Ear piercing is probably the most practiced by women and some men for accessorizing. Today, piercing is performed on almost all parts of the body such as the nose, the lips, the tongue, the eyebrows, the bellybutton, the nipples, and others. Shaping, on the other hand, is done to permanently shape the body according to a person's preference. Methods of this type of body art are foot binding - common among Chinese women.

Scarifications are more unconventional methods of body art. There are religious groups that deliberately scar their body (usually with pointed objects like knives) using a prescribed pattern. Somewhat similar to scarification, branding is another type of body art that involves a whole lot of pain. This was originally done to farm animals (cows and horses) and originally used for identification purposes. This is accomplished through placing an extremely hot piece of metal with a certain design on the body until it burns the skin and leaves a mark that may last forever.

Whatever form of body art is practiced, it is certain to elicit varying reactions. Body art can be beautiful, captivating, or disturbing depending on the beholder's point of view and set of values.

Tongue Tattoos

Tattoos are a hot commodity these days, becoming more and more popular than they have ever been in the past. There are hundreds and thousands of different designs and styles of tattoos to choose from, giving you the chance to express yourself. Although tattoos are very popular, the new trend that is rapidly taking effect in the world of tattoos is known as tongue tattoos.

Although many aren’t familiar with tongue tattoos yet, they are just now starting to take shape. They resemble other designs and styles, although they cover the muscle known as the tongue. There are tattoos that cover the entire tongue, or just a single area. In most cases, those who already have them, chose to have their tongue tattooed a certain color. Whether it be purple, orange, black, or blue, the tongue can be tattooed a variety of different colors.

The designs that are popular with tongue tattoos include stars, tribal work, and other shapes and designs that cover a region of the tongue. Stars are popular with the lower area of the tongue, near the tip. There are also designs that can be tattooed farther back on the tongue, near the middle of it. As tongue tattoos become more and more popular, more and more designs are implemented.,xcitefun-tongue-tattoos-5.jpg

As far as the procedure goes, it’s very similar to getting a tattoo on any other part of your body. A tattoo involved needles puncturing the skin, depositing ink into the epidermis. The needles move extremely fast, breaking the skin and leaving the pigments of ink. The tongue, just like the skin, will swallow the pigments once the surface has been punctured by the needle. Once the pigments of ink are absorbed by the tongue, the color will remain there forever.

Those who have had tongue tattoos in the past say that they aren’t very painful. Unlike tattoos on the skin, the tongue is a giant muscle. A tattoo on the tongue is often described as a tickling sensation or the feeling of numbness in your mouth. When the tattoo artist does the tattoo, he will normally use a tool to hold the tongue out. If you’ve ever had a tongue piercing, you’ll know what it looks like. Once the tongue is out, the artist will begin work. The process normally does take very long, as long you hold still and don’t move around.

If a tongue tattoo sounds interesting to you, the first thing to do is find a tattoo artist in your area who is experienced with doing them. Not a lot of tattoo artists are familiar with tongue tattoos, as they are just now beginning to surface. A tongue tattoo is a bit on the creative side – something that you just don’t see in public everyday.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cheaper Alternatives #4

Tea Tree Oil
Instead of buying pimple creams and stuff,
use pure tea tree oil as an amazing spot treatment
for pimples, boils, and cysts.
It works much much much better than anything from clearasil-
especially because it actively prevents scarring!


lurvey love love

Iguana Tattoo

Some Things to Consider before Getting an Iguana Tattoo

When you're thinking about getting an iguana tattoo, you should definitely try and ponder the implications of it first. Here are some factors to consider when you want to get an iguana tattoo:

1) Symbolism – iguana tattoos and other types of lizard tattoos are usually used to symbolize the human soul's search for light. However, there are other symbolisms attributed to this type of tattoo. Before getting an iguana tattoo, you should make sure that you know what it symbolizes. You should try to find a meaning that you can identify with.

An iguana tattoo costs pain to get and also costs pain to remove. You should try to make that pain worthwhile and try to find an iguana tattoo that symbolizes something very powerful in your life. However, remember that all symbols are subject to interpretation. Remember that your interpretation of an iguana tattoo may not necessarily be the same interpretation that others hold. When you realize this fact, you should also remember that your interpretation is the one that holds more weight.

2) Identification – some people may not find any symbolic interpretations of iguana tattoos that they can identify with. However, they still get this type of tattoo mainly because they can identify with the animal. Do you have any distinct characteristics that are similar to an iguana's? Of course, this does not mean that you look like an iguana.

Identifying yourself with the different traits of an iguana means you need to do some research about iguanas. Can you identify yourself as a survivor? If you think you are, then you should get an iguana tattoo because iguanas are animals which are able to remain active when other lizards have already retreated from the heat.

3) Interests – there are people who get iguana tattoos mainly because of their interests in the animal. Some people who get iguana tattoos may have pet iguanas or at least hope to own one someday. Some people may consider iguanas to be their favorite animals and may have various reasons for thinking so. The point is, they have very distinct interests for iguanas.

4) Artistry – when you have thought about your personal reasons for getting an iguana tattoo, it's time to decide which iguana tattoo to get. You could opt for something simple and which wouldn't hurt when being drawn. You could also opt for an intricate iguana tattoo, with shades of color that would astound every beholder.

Nowadays, people are able to get designs through the internet and have those designs copied by a local tattoo artist. When getting an iguana tattoo, be sure that you know exactly where you will be getting it. You need to pick a place which could assure your health as well as the artistry of the iguana tattoo. Talk to different people to get recommendations about the place where you are going to get your iguana tattoo.

5) Placement – the placement of the iguana tattoo is also important. Some people like to place their iguana tattoo on a place where flexing of the muscles would make the tattoo move. This gives the tattoo a lifelike appearance when they move. Teenagers sometimes like to place their first tattoos where they are hidden, unseen by their parents or by anyone they do not want to see.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tattoo Shop

How to find a tattoo shop in the U.S.

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular. Every day, people who have never decided to get their tattoos in the first place. And they wonder where they should go to get them in the first place. Tattoo ShopThis is an important decision because you can have a tattoo on you for life. In addition, health issues come into play. So, you want a tattoo can be proud of and one that will not be positive.

How to find a shop or tattoo parlor:

1. It is best to ask your friends where they got them. They can not give you the address and name of the store, but can provide detailed information about the quality and professionalism of the art tattoo shop.

2. If you can not find a good place from your friends, you could go online and ask others. A place to consider, is Yahoo Answers. You can ask specific questions like "what a good tattoo shop in Las Vegas?" . You'll probably get a lot of answers for a few days.

Tattoo Shop3. Internet community, as He is free to join sites like MySpace, but only for fans of tattoos. Inside there is a forum area, gallery, where you can get ideas for tattoos, and you can also interact with other members. So if you find members of a city, you can only ask them where they get their tattoo.

4. Tattoo directory. There are several good online directories to find a tattoo shop and artist in the United States. One thing that I found the most complete They have thousands of nursing, as well as evaluation system for each room.

So, just put in a little and make the right decisions. Find tattoo shop was not difficult, but finding the best takes a little more work.ByTim Phelan

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Cheaper Alternatives #3

Apple Cider Vinegar!
i apologize, my twilight fever is taking over...

*Rinse damaged hair with 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar to 3 parts water
once a week after shampooing to clarify magically-
helps to remove gucky buildup,
prevents split ends,
tones the cuticle,
and makes your hair SUPER shiny.

*Massage into your scalp twice a week for dandruff.

*If your skin gets stained from hair dye, swabbing some of
this wonderful stuff on the stains removes them easily!

Fresh and Clean:
*Use some to dampen a cotton ball and apply to your
... lady area...
it works wonders!
-can be used to freshen up after wearing spandex,
clean up when you are surfing the red tide,
or even treat a yeast infection.
I'm all about keeping your vajayjay happy!

*Swipe on your face once a month to purge your pores and
increase circulation in your facial capillaries.
It is so rich in exfoliating alpha hydroxy acids
that using it more than once every two weeks
spells danger for your facial pH.

*Apply some diluted with water and ice cubes to sunburns.
Feel the AHHHHH relief,
which is restoring the pH balance to your skin.

This stuff is seriously awesome, and costs about 6 dollars at any grocery store!


Since I can't stop thinking about how Eclipse is coming out soon...
I might as well mention:
I actually love K.Stew-
her style is awesome

The Best lotus tattoo design on The World Class

The Best lotus tattoo design on The World ClassThe best lotus flower tattoos their meaning and significance

At some point in our lives, we would experience the joy appreciating the beauty of flowers, the happiness in giving flowers or and the excitement of receiving them. A flower itself does not have any meaning, just like a cat or a fish. But it's the human emotion that gives a certain value to it and our interpretation gives it a consistent meaning over time. For example, you will see a man giving a bunch of red roses to express his admiration and love to a woman. But you will hardly see anyone with the same bunch of red roses at a funeral. The meanings of the same flower would evoke different emotions with different implications on a different context.

It is the same with flower tattoos. Different flower tattoos would evoke a different emotion and therefore a different meaning to the beholder. Not only the women are getting flower tattoos, some men like to ink them too. Most flowers have acquired a consistent meaning over time, but when you combine it with a different object in a tattoo, the meanings get altered altogether. Have you seen a black rose with a chain around it as a tattoo on a man's chest? Do you think the flower tattoo would mean love or perhaps hatred?

The fact is that flower tattoo designs are going to be popular. Dragons are popular with men but flowers are most sought after by women. Maybe it's the color, or the shape, or the scent of it or a combination of all the senses that makes people want to see, touch and smell it. Flowers can calm a person and gives you a sense of peace. Having a flower tattoo inked on your body is like having a permanent flower with you all the time, except this particular flower does not withered over time.

What most tattoo artists are concern about is the customer who is not sure of what she is tattooing and would like to change the design after the tattoo is permanently inked on the body. The sad truth is that tattoos cannot be removed easily without some form of scarring and pain. The reasons for wanting to change the design are varied, but one of the common reasons is that they did not understand the meaning of the flower tattoo until much later. So to prevent this kind of 'accidentally' tattooing the wrong flower on your body, here is a list of common flowers tattoos and their meanings.

1. Meaning of Rose Tattoo
Rose tattoos are stunning when done tastefully on a woman. So far it is the most popular tattoo with the females although we have seen men with rose tattoos. Somehow men shun away from flowers because the flower tattoo would mean a soft and gentle character and towards a feminine personality. It's is quite weird to see a huge macho muscular male with six packs and a flower tattoo on his arm. But if that flower tattoo is combined with a skull, then the softer meaning of the flower would be even out by the skull, which would mean guts, courage and fearless.

Different types of roses have different meanings. For example, the red rose means sincere love and respect, courage and passion. You have seen in the movies or maybe even done it yourself and give a red rose to a loved one to express your love and passion. So instead of giving a rose to a love one, you may want to tattoo the rose with her name on it on your arm or your chest. That way, that flower tattoo would mean you love and respect her forever. (But no skulls please) If you are able to get the tattoo artist to add in some colors to the flower tattoo, you may want to consider a yellow rose tattoo. Yellow roses meant jealousy in Victorian times. But in our contemporary world, they signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning. A pink rose tattoo means grace and gentle, a white rose means spirituality and purity and a lavender rose means love at first sight. A blue rose tattoo means mystery and symbolizes "achieving the impossible". A black rose tattoo symbolizes death, either you are mourning the death of a love one or you are very pessimistic.

2. Meaning of Hibiscus Tattoo
The hibiscus flower is another popular flower tattoo with tattoo artists. The hibiscus flower is most commonly seen in the tropical country but is less often used as a gift. The hibiscus flower belongs to the family Malvaceae. It gets its name from the Greek words Hibiscus meaning "mallow" and rosa-sinensis meaning "Rose of China". The flower itself means delicate beauty. If you decide to ink the hibiscus flower tattoo, then other than its aesthetic attraction, it would symbolize exquisite and elegance. It would also mean you have grace and charm. Depending on the combination of colors, the hibiscus flower tattoo can really enhance a person's grace. You can combine the red flower tattoo with bright green petals. That would be really charming.

3. Meaning of Lily Tattoo
The Lily flowers are cherished for their fresh and calming colors and can be used for many occasions, like visiting a sick friend in the hospital. Lily has been an important flower ever since the Biblical period. According to the Bible, petals of white lily signify virginity, purity and the radiant soul of Virgin Mary. The Chinese and the Greeks have also used white lily to symbolize purity. To the Chinese, the lily flower is used to symbolize summer and abundance. The Greeks believe that Lilies were born out of the breast milk of Goddess Hera. The Lily flower is also associated with the Roman Goddess Venus. So inking the Lily tattoo would mean purity of the person and you want the tattoo to symbolize peace and harmony.

4. Meaning of Lotus Tattoo
In Buddhism the lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment. All the petals means the different constant struggles in our lives and the center of the flower represents the state of enlightenment. The development of the lotus from ground up symbolizes the awakening to the spiritual reality of life. For the Buddhists, Lotus symbolizes the most exalted state of man, his head held high and his feet rooted in the world of experience. You can see the Lotus flower carved into every platform supporting a statue of Buddha. It is a very powerful symbol and meaning in the religion.

This symbolism is also evident in Hinduism where the lotus is the foremost symbol of beauty, prosperity and fertility. According to Hinduism, within each human inhabiting the earth there is the spirit of the sacred Lotus. It represents eternity, purity and divinity and is widely used as a symbol of life, fertility, youth and describes feminine beauty. So a Lotus tattoo would be used as a symbol of life. The Lotus flower tattoo would be most suitable for those seeking an understanding of humanity and has probably been through the ups and downs of life. You may also use the Lotus tattoo to depict a struggle in life.

sexy and beautiful tattooed body

sexy and beautiful tattooed bodyAngel and Fairy Tattoos - Beautiful and Sexy Tattoo Designs to Go For

When it comes to beautiful and sexy tattoo designs, one can't help but think about angel and fairy tattoos. They seem to exude a sense of beauty, magic and spirituality when inked on one's body. These creatures are gorgeous and appealing in their natural forms. Not only that, they hold significant meaning as well making them even more attractive as tattoo designs.

Angel tattoos are extremely popular yet it can still be unique as each person can have a different adaptation of the angel. It can be a warrior angel, brave and determined to cast one of the bad angels out of Heaven. It can be a guardian angel whose symbolize protection, guardianship and moral values. It can be a cute cherub to depict innocence and playfulness. It can also be an angel who represents the memory of a loved-one who passed away. It would look good when tattooed on large areas of the body such as the back, rib, arm, shoulder or just about anywhere else. Angel tattoos are definitely one of the most flexible and versatile types because of the almost unlimited number of ways that they can be executed.

Fairy tattoo is another exciting and sensual way to express one's individuality especially the women. Fairies are a representation of childhood innocence, playfulness and magical fantasies. They are often portrayed as diminutive winged humans who possess magical powers; they are dainty, sweet and innocently charming but can be clever and mischievous at times. These are characters that women can relate to that is why they favored fairy tattoos to express a part of their personality. They can be tattooed in varying colors and can be combined with other design elements including butterflies, flowers, moon and stars to create a mythical piece of art.

Sexy Body Tattoo

Sexy Body Tattoo

Japan Tattoo girl Tattoo girl

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Amazing Colorful Back Tattoo

Extreme Tattoo
New Good Tattoo
Amazing Colorful Back Tattoo

Beautiful Girls With Tatto Style

What do you think about this tattoo!!!???
yup . . . it' beautiful idea for girls with Tattoo Style
This entry was posted on at 1:05 PM and is filed under Sexy Girls Tattoo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

Cheap Alternatives #2

In which I list the many uses of Visine!
*A few drops of Visine in any powder eyeshadow turns it into liquid eyeliner
-cheaper and more effective than expensive shadow transformers!

*Dab some on pimples to reduce redness

*After you get your eyebrows waxed, swipe some on-
takes down swelling and redness!

*And I mean, you could always use for red eyes too...

Available at drugstores and grocery stores everywhere!


p.s. If you were wondering,
Visine when added to food does not actually cause diarrhea.
But it can cause dangerously low blood pressure...
So in the interest of keeping your friends alive,
don't try and copy this old Hollywood prank!
Unless you actually want them dead,
in which case-
wear gloves

and don't forget to moisturize

Laser Tattoo Removal

Research has shown that nearly half of those between the ages of 18 and 40 have a tattoo or several tattoos. The problem here is that a majority of those who have tattoos have later decided that they don’t want them anymore. The biggest complaint to tattoos is dissatisfaction, which has led to a recent increase in tattoo removal. It’s been proven in the past that women research their removal options more than men – due to the fact that men have less of a stigma when it comes to tattoos.

tattoo removal

Often times, the ink that is used during tattoos can lead to infection, simply because the type of ink being used isn’t regulation for tattoo parlors. Clean equipment is also essential with tattoo parlor; otherwise someone can end up with hepatitis B, C, and various other infections. There are many serious diseases and other sicknesses that can occur if a tattoo parlor doesn’t keep their materials and parlor clean.

In the event of infection or if someone just doesn’t like their tattoo, there are ways to get them removed. Skin grafting and dermabrasion are good examples of tattoo removal, although the most popular and most common these days is laser removal. Laser removal is the fastest and by far the most preferred. With this surgery, the laser being used will zap the metal ions that are found in the pigment of the tattoo, fracturing the ink into very small pieces that the body can easily dispose of.

There are several great things about laser tattoo removal, although there are some bad things as well. In some cases, where infection is involved, the surgery will be a bit different. First, you’ll need to get the infection out of the area before the tattoo can be removed. Depending on how bad the infection is, you may end up staying in the hospital for a few days. For this very reason – you should always make sure that the equipment is clean and sterile before you ever get a tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal can be very painful, depending on the area that you have the tattoo on. Almost all surgeons will use numbing ointment and local anesthetics before they do the removal, so you experience little to no pain. Even though you may think that you have a high tolerance for pain and can deal with the treatment, you may still want to take any type of numbing that you can get.

Before you decide to get a tattoo removed with laser removal, you should always make sure that you choose a surgeon you can trust. Lasers can be very dangerous, and there are always side effects and risks involved. Although laser tattoo removal is certainly an option for getting rid of a tattoo – the best thing to do is think long and hard before you get one to begin with.

Sexy Beautyfuul Tattoo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cheap Alternatives #1

When your skin is inflamed and breaking out like crazy, try a salt mask!
Epsom salt on a wet face brings down inflammation just like on a swollen wound.
Also, very moisturizing!
In between toning and moisturizing,
just wet your face,
mix salt and a teeeensy bit of water,
and slather on for 5 minutes.

GREAT for those monthly breakouts.

glow my lovelies. glow glow glow.

Celebrities Love Tattoos

It is not really surprising to learn that many celebrities love tattoos, nor is it surprising that those who are in the public eye and in the media have quite a significant influence on the American population's fascination with tattoos. The stars have tattoos, so all of their fans want tattoos also. For celebrities, age is not a factor; older stars as well as the younger ones have them. We know all of these people-- but how much do we know about what unique styles of artwork they have?
Tila Tequila love tattoo
Tila Tequila love tattoos

One of America's most longtime popular movie stars, Robert De Niro, has appeared in movies sporting numerous tattoos. Whether or not his fans realize that they are only accessories for his films, the fact is in real life Robert DeNiro has only one tattoo, that of a black panther. Another actor who shows off many tattoos in his movies is Johnny Depp; all of his, however, are real. Bruce Willis also has a few tattoos; most notably the symbol of his movie "Die Hard."
Robert De Niro tattoos

Tattoos have long been in style with musicians. Former teen idol Justin Timberlake has a guardian angel, amongst others. Rapper Eminem has more tattoos than can be counted, including his daughter's name and his own. The wording on Keith Urban's wrist, "Omni Vincit Amor" is Latin for 'Love Conquers All;' he also has an eagle on one arm.

Eminem tattoos

Not to be outdone, many female stars also show various degrees of artwork. Young actress Drew Barrymore is essentially a canvas full of tattoos; it is said that she created most of the designs herself. Reese Witherspoon is more subtle, wearing only one small star tattoo which is rarely visible. Pamela Anderson has a variety of tattoos also, the most notable being the word 'Mommy' on one finger, which reportedly used to read 'Tommy.' Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has five stars to represent each member of her family, her husband's initials, and the traditional Jewish phrase 'I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.'
Pamela Anderson tattoos

Some of today's supermodels also sport tattoos. Kate Moss, Christy Turlington, and Stephanie Seymour all have these permanent forms of fashion accessories. Most supermodels who opt for tattoos show fewer and smaller designs than celebrities in other fields.

While many celebrities have had tattoos for a very long time, the popularity of tattoos amongst stars has been increasing, both in the number of celebrities who have them and the number of tattoos that they have. A very few have only one tattoo; more and more are taking on a large number of tattoos as well as more and more visible tattoos, using skin as a canvas for nearly unlimited varieties of permanent artwork.
Justin Timberlake tattoos

As celebrities show off their tattoos, and this is picked up by the media, it presents an ever-increasing influence for their fans, especially amongst the younger generation, to want to do likewise. As with anything else that stars do in the public eye, their influence with tattoos helps this form of artwork become more widespread, more popular, and more acceptable to most of the American population in general.

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