All Pow! Not a very good depiction of the look itself, but its the best picture. VERR PRETTY!! Remember, that even though winter is cold and nasty, you can still look HOT LIKE FIRE.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ice Ice BABY
All Pow! Not a very good depiction of the look itself, but its the best picture. VERR PRETTY!! Remember, that even though winter is cold and nasty, you can still look HOT LIKE FIRE.
Post-Christmas Boredom
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of love, food, friendship... and more food, if you're my family!
In the wake of Christmas and much bloating and further bingeing, we're not up to much! Right now Claire's working on a makeup post for New Year's party facial explosions of pleasure!
We're still holed up in Seattle, with the snow turning to slush and freezing, mobility is limited to walking from the kitchen back to bed :)
Here's what I wore on Christmas!
-Michael Kors skirt [Nordstrom Rack, MAJOR CLEARANCE!!]
-black knit leggings [The Rack]
-black slouch boots [thrifted]
-White t-shirt
-Cranberry sweater, reversible with teal lace [TJMaxx, $5, angora and rabbit!]
-Black and gold chain belt [Goodwill]
-Gold chains [thrifted]
-Gray beret, says "The head of a genius" in French! Cute! [Consigment, $6!]
P.S., American Apparel has launched a line of berets! Go figure that the one time I try out berets since my mother forced them on my head as a child, American Apparel decides to make them popular again...
Things are moving pretty slow right now, I should be writing college essays... but I'm not! Instead I made a bunch of braided cloth headbands and bracelets, will take photos and post later :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays! Let's Get Rich And Buy Our Parents Homes in the South of France...
Friday, December 19, 2008
First Post Ever!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Gemini Tattoos
Gemini tattoos are very unparalleled in nature. It can be a figure or a glyph and sometimes, it can be a fusion of both the elements.
Gemini Tattoos - What You Can Expect
By Dang Mai
Gemini is the third one of the twelve signs of zodiac. The glyph for Gemini appears like the Roman number II. Gemini is an air element sign and is dominated by the planet Mercury.Gemini rules the nerve system, the lungs, the hands and arms. The symbolic representation for Gemini is the twins.The sign Gemini is associated with the Greek god Hermes, as well as the Greek twin gods Apollo and Artemis.
Gemini tattoos are very unparalleled in nature. It can be an figure or a glyph and sometimes, it can be a fusion of both the elements.
Some of the characteristics linked with Gemini are as followed. These can be applied to get a unique Gemini tattoo for yourself.
Color: Orange
The metal: Mercury
Flower: Lily-of-the-Valley
Gem: Emerald (Pearl)
Food: Lettuce, Cauliflower
People with Gemini zodiac sign are well-known for craving variety and spice in their lifetimes. They can't be stale in any moment in their whole life. Oftentimes, they can be hesitant also. Despite all these, they are really sophisticated people. They adapt themselves easily to the various situations. They know how and where to respond. Some people entitle them as "diplomats" which is true to some extent. All of these traits can be represented in the form of tattoos. The figure of "twins" describes it the best.
Unlike many Zodiac signs, which are presented by only one single colour, for instance Aquarius Zodiac sign is represented by blue color, Gemini is interpreted by a rainbow. It implies, unique colors can be applied for the Gemini sun-sign, while having the tattoo done.
Many ideas are available on the net for getting a tattoo done, if your sign is Gemini. Fusion of lettering and astrological symbol of Gemini is the best selection. You can personalize it with your own imaginative ideas.
SourceTattoo has a nice collection of Gemini Tattoos that you can use for yourself right away! Visit our website and find the one you like the most!
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Kokopelli Tattoo Designs
The Kokopelli figure is associated with the Southwest, specifically the Pueblo Indian regions. Oftentimes, the figure takes on the shape of a stopped flute player, and is generally portrayed to be male. People who decide to get a Kokopelli tattoo are usually in search of something or want to be reminded of something they have received or accomplished. The Kokopelli figure is also described as a storyteller and healer, and thus, people have been known to ink this figure to represent such ideas.
Kokopelli Tattoos
By Candis Reade
Kokopelli tattoos are becoming more and more popular. So what is this popular figure? Coming from petroglyphs carved over 3,000 years ago, this symbol is suppose to represent fertility. This fertility can mean everything from a person’scrops to the conception of a child to love and the fruition of ones dreams. The possibilities when considering this tattoo are endless, and the meaning behind this symbol fits the thoughts, dreams, and lives of many people.
The Kokopelli figure is associated with the Southwest, specifically the Pueblo Indian regions. Oftentimes, the figure takes on the shape of a stopped flute player, and is generally portrayed to be male. People who decide to get a Kokopelli tattoo are usually in search of something or want to be reminded of something they have received or accomplished. The Kokopelli figure is also described as a storyteller and healer, and thus, people have been known to ink this figure to represent such ideas.
There are many tales associated with the Kokopelli figure and with Kokopelli tattoos. Some say that the figure represents a man who went to village to village and changed the seasons as he went. Thus, the figures sometimes hunched posture is linked to the instruments he played and seeds he planted on his way. This important figure is also an important sign of human fertility. One tale says that he would play his flute at night while the village would sing and dance. Upon dawn, every woman of age would be pregnant.
When planning Kokopelli tattoos, consider experimenting with color. The figure is usually associated with the bright colors of the Southwest: yellows, reds, and oranges are just some of the colors you can consider. If you want something more low-key, consider getting the figures in silhouette in black. You can make this tattoo as detailed you need it to be. Some people like a basic stick-figure playing the flute while other people like to not only fully realize Kokopelli's features but also include a scene of him walking through villages or planting seeds.
Consider the placement of the tattoo: if you want something small, the back of the neck or ankle might be good spots for the ink. If you want something more noticeable or large, consider your bicep or your shoulder blades.
Many writers like Kokopelli tattoos because it reminds them of their storytelling craft and of spreading their ideas. People who make their living from the land like the tattoo for obvious reasons. Many women who have had a hard time having children also like the tattoo as a reminder of their struggle or as a way to keep trying despite past failures.
No matter the reason behind one's reason for wanting Kokopelli tattoos, the options for this tattoo are unless.
Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about
Kokopelli Tattoos, please visit New Tattoos for current articles and discussions.
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Talking Heads True Stories
From the movie, TRUE STORIES with David Byrne of Talking heads.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hawaiian Flower Tattoos
Hawaiian flower tattoos can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. Get familiar with Hawaiian flowers and what they can symbolize.
Hawaiian Flower Tattoos
By David Schwinler
"Hawaiian flower tattoos" can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. If you're considering a Hawaiian flower tattoo but are reluctant to submit to a common and predictable flower such as a rose or a daisy you should entertain the idea of Hawaiian flower/tropical tattoo. Tropical flowers are often associated as exotic and unusual which evokes images of lush spots of paradise. Hawaii is known for its exotic and flawless flowers. Hawaii is also known for the most variety and abundance of topical flowers than any other place in the world!
Hawaiian Hibiscus Flower Tattoo.
You may want to know the meaning behind a certain flower in order to cement your decision to ink any Hawaiian flower tattoos on your body. Let's look at some flower options for your tattoo.
1. The Hibiscus is one of the few tropical flowers that are native to Hawaii. The yellow ma'o hau hele hibiscus is the state flower. There are a variety of colors to choose from: white, pink, red, lavender, green, blue, yellow, and orange. A hibiscus flower worn behind the ear of single Hawaiian women represents that she is ready to find a partner for marriage. The traditional meaning of the hibiscus is delicate beauty which could make a great Hawaiian flower tattoo.
2. Anthurium flowers are commonly bright red and resemble a shape of a heart. Besides the heart shaped beauties, Anthuriums also take the form of tulips. They are the most popular flowers shipped from Hawaii. Anthuriums symbolize hospitality.
Bird of Paradise flower.
3. The Birds of Paradise flower resemble a bird in flight and are colorful and dramatic. The Birds of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness and paradise. If you're looking for a colorful Hawaiian flower tattoo the Birds of Paradise flower could be the right choice.
Orchid Tattoo.
4. Orchids represent magnificence, love, strength, luxury, and beauty. Dendrobium Orchids are popular in Hawaii and have blooms that are shaped like butterflies. Combining the look of the butterfly wings with a Dendrobium Orchid would certainly make a beautiful Hawaiian flower tattoo.
"Pele" Hawaii's volcano and fire goddess.
There are also designated flowers for each island of Hawaii. The official flower of Maui is the pink lokelani (pink cottage rose). The flower of Oahu is the yellow ilima which resembles a tiny hibiscus. Big Island's flower is the red Lehua, a blossom of an ohia tree. According to Hawaiian legend the lehua flower is sacred to Pele, Hawaii's volcano goddess.
Hawaiian flower tattoos are both meaningful and beautiful. A tattoo combining Hawaii's unique and spectacular flowers can be a wonderful homage to Hawaiian culture.
Online Tattoo Galleries are a great resource and have thousands of designs to choose from which include Hawaiian Flower Tattoos Don't decide on a tattoo by going to a shop, flipping through a portfolio for 15 minutes, and trying to decide on a design. Check out the best Tattoo Galleries on the web today. Choose from thousands of designs and get up to $500 off on your next tattoo.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Kanji Tattoos
Japanese Kanji Tattoos
By Joel Carr
Japanese Kanji Tattoos are fast becoming the most popular tattoo design. Japanese Kanji characters are so incredibly artistic and have such mystique that it seems as though they were created ideally for the purpose of tattoos. When you think about the best qualities of a tattoo many words come to mind such as symbolic, mysterious, and meaning.
The beauty of Japanese Kanji tattoos is that each Kanji symbol is an ideographic character, which means is represents an entire object/meaning/symbol. Japanese Kanji symbols have such elaborate definition; each stroke of the symbol must be done in the correct direction and order. Japanese Kanji Tattoos can easily represent nearly any meaning you want. Words such as love, peace, freedom, strength, unity are very popular Japanese Kanji tattoos, as well as loved one's names.
Kanji tattoo symbols and tribal butterfly tattoo.
It is a good idea to research your Japanese Kanji Tattoo before visiting your tattoo artist. There are several reasons for this - firstly, Kanji is a different form of language to English, and if you were to choose a Kanji sentence, the order of the words will be in different order to English. Secondly, many tattoo parlors have Japanese Kanji tattoo designs which have been altered by westerners and you will not know until it is too late. Finally, some Japanese Kanji characters have several meanings, and you may think your symbol means one thing, where in fact it means something completely different. Luckily there are websites out there that can help you get the perfect translation.
Kanji Tattoo Pictures & Symbols
Kanji Tattoo Symbols Meanings and Translations Set 1
Kanji Tattoo Symbols Meanings and Translations Set 2
Kanji Tattoo Symbols Meanings and Translations Set 3
Kanji Tattoo Symbols Meanings and Translations Set 4
For more detailed information on Japanese Kanji Tattoos visit this website
Article Source:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lion Tattoos - Tribal Designs
So you've settled on your choice of tattoo, it has come down to the tribal lion, but where do you go from that? The lion symbolizes many things, and the choice of using tribal designs truly means that you can have a tattoo that is uniquely suited to you. Let's start with the meaning.
Tribal Lion Tattoo - Making Sure Your Tattoo Is The Cat's Meow
By Sylvia Rolfe
So you've settled on your choice of tattoo, it has come down to a tribal lion tattoo, but where do you go from that? The lion symbolizes many things, and the choice of using tribal designs truly means that you can have a tattoo that is uniquely suited to you. Let's start with the meaning of the lion and why you may decide that this king of beast belongs immortalized in your ink.
Tribal lions have a long history in the realm of tattoos. The lion has often been used to represent strength and power; after all, it is the king of beasts. It is also representative of God in other cultures. Whether you choose it for its symbolism or simply its majestic beauty, it can quickly become a symbol of who you are and what you stand for. Power, dominance, strength and vigour. A proud display of your tattoo and a display to the world your internal qualities. No matter why you sought the lion tattoo, it is sure to be one you are proud of.
Just like any tattoo the design can be as simple or as complex as you choose. Make sure you consult with your chosen artist to ensure they have the ability to properly portray the true greatness of this animal. Tribal tattoos require skill to ensure the lines keep form and don't bleed. Don't trust your ink to just anyone do your research and ensure they have the proper ability to reveal the true beauty. You may even be better finding an artist who specializes in tribal artwork to complete your masterpiece.
No matter why you choose the tribal lion tattoo, proper decision making and research in regards to it will help to ensure that your tattoo is the cat's meow and symbolizes all you want it to stand for on its own and for yourself. Don't skimp on the research or instead of the king of beast you may end up with nothing more than a pussy cat tattoo.
To learn more about tribal lion tattoos as well as other designs click here now
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